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Archive: 16 March 2015

Posts in 16 March 2015

CIBIL TransUnion conundrum, cleared

March 16, 2015 1857 Views 0 comment Print

CIBIL TransUnion score, a puzzle for many and hassle for some, cleared!!!! CIBIL stands for Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited, which, in association with Dun & Bradstreet and TransUnion provides information w.r.t. a person’s credit discipline to financial institutions looking forward to sanction loans and/or issue Credit cards.

Prepayment Discount liable for TDS

March 16, 2015 7816 Views 0 comment Print

The pre-payment discount given by the taxpayer cannot be equated to quantity discount since quantity discount is reduction in sale price. The pre-payment discount was effectively in the nature of interest because it was in consideration of the taxpayer receiving advance payment and to compensate the buyer for making the payment in advance before the sale of goods.

Nature of Gains on sales of equity shares & compulsorily convertible debentures?

March 16, 2015 5339 Views 0 comment Print

The writ petitioner under Article 226/227 of the Constitution ofIndia, is a company incorporated under the laws of Mauritius, challenges aruling dated 21.03.2012 (hereinafter referred to as the ‘impugned ruling’) ofthe Authority for Advance Ruling, (herein after referred to as ‘AAR’) in A.A.R.

Interest Payment from India- TDS u/s 195 and Tax Planning

March 16, 2015 101984 Views 6 comments Print

Interest Income from India- Foreign Remittance- Taxation and Planning. A. Taxation as per Domestic Law: A.1. Definition of Interest- 2(28A) “interest” means interest payable in any manner in respect of any moneys borrowed or debt incurred (including a deposit, claim or other similar right or obligation) and includes any service fee or other charge in respect of the moneys borrowed or debt incurred or in respect of any credit facility which has not been utilised ;

Sales commission paid to foreign company is not taxable in India in absence of PE in India

March 16, 2015 1552 Views 0 comment Print

The ITAT Panaji in the case of ACIT Vs. Karishma Global Mineral Pvt. Ltd. held that the sales commission paid by assessee to Singapore based entity is not taxable in India as the same is business profits which cannot be taxed in the hands of foreign company under India

Lessons for Entrepreneurs from Guy Kawasaki

March 16, 2015 1400 Views 0 comment Print

Recently gave a test for knowing my entrepreneur quotient on a website http://guykawasaki.com/, what I ended up learning about few lessons about entrepreneurship is being presented in this small article. Hope you will like it and will be benefited by the same.

FM: Indian Economy is Fundamentally Strong and Forward Looking

March 16, 2015 309 Views 0 comment Print

MS Christine Lagarde,MD, IMF: Growth in India has picked up, even as the World Economy is Faced with Subdued Demand Conditions, Particularly in Europe and Japan, and Recent Slowdown in China;India and IMF to Jointly Host a High Level Conference on “Advancing Asia: Investing for the Future” in March, 2016 in India

Railways Cash-on-Delivery Service for E-Tickets

March 16, 2015 3907 Views 0 comment Print

Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd. (IRCTC), a public sector undertaking of the Ministry of Railways, has launched Cash on Delivery (CoD) service for e-tickets w.e.f. 01.01.2015 on pilot basis. The salient features of the scheme are as under:

Clarification with regard to Section 185 and 186 of Companies Act, 2013

March 16, 2015 229827 Views 20 comments Print

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has issued General Circular No. 04/2015, Dated: 10/03/2015 on the clarification of Loans and Advances to employees under Section 185 and 186 of the Companies Act, 2013 (“CA, 2013”). This alert has covered all the significant updates on the loans and investments made by the Indian Company which will upgrade the knowledge of each individual.

5 Books That Can Change Your Life and Career

March 16, 2015 21677 Views 10 comments Print

I have been getting requests from some of the readers of my blog on the kind of books one should read. As majority of you would have realized through my blog posts that I am always of the view that one should develop a keen habit to read and read good books. By reading books […]

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