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Archive: 01 October 2014

Posts in 01 October 2014

Extension of Due date of deposit of TDS / TCS for September 2014

October 1, 2014 47123 Views 9 comments Print

The Central Board of Direct Taxes has issued an order to extend the last date of deposit of tax deducted at source/tax collected at source during the month of September, 2014 from 7th October, 2014 to 10th October, 2014 without entailing any consequential interest. However, the due date for filing of TDS/TCS statements for the 2nd Quarter of the F.Y. 2014-15 shall remain the same.

Tightening Internal control through companies Act, 2013 An Overview

October 1, 2014 5032 Views 0 comment Print

This paper will emphasize that how the internal control will improve after the enactment of the new Companies Act. It will provide more power in the hands of the shareholder and the government. It is an attempt to focus on the Tightening of the Internal Controls thru the measures below: Self-Regulation, New Mechanism and organizations, Transparency and disclosures

Partial Reverse Charge-Increase in Complicacies

October 1, 2014 12919 Views 0 comment Print

The date of 01.07.2012 was a critical date in service tax laws because from this date the service tax laws underwent gigantic change. The concept of Negative list and partial reverse charge was introduced for the first time to broaden the scope of service tax along with simplifying the service tax laws.

Tax Structure of A.Y 2015 -16: A relief for salaried class!

October 1, 2014 138124 Views 0 comment Print

The new Indian government announced its tax rules for the current financial year. But very few announcements were made by new government which could provide relief to salaried class people. The first and the most important amendment was in the tax slab.

SEBI Notifies REIT Regulations- Comparative of Draft and Final Regulations

October 1, 2014 2146 Views 0 comment Print

Aditya Shah Comparative between Draft and Final REIT Regulations: Real estate investment trusts (REITs) is one of the most important vehicle for making collective investment in commercial real estate. Emanating from USA in 1960s as a tax transparent collective investment vehicle, REITs have subsequently made their debut almost in every country that matters, and have […]

Re-Revised Clause 49 of Listing Agreement

October 1, 2014 3780 Views 0 comment Print

SEBI had come up with Revised Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement vide its Circular dated 17th April, 2014 and again amended it vide its Circular dated 15th September, 2014. Stock Exchanges had not yet incorporated these changes in the Listing Agreements on their portals containing Revised Clause 49.

Ways to End a Job Interview

October 1, 2014 2270 Views 0 comment Print

Majority of job seekers whilst preparing for a job interview would practice a firm handshake and rehearse answers to tough interview questions on their skills and about their background.  But many fresh chartered accountants seeking jobs overlook a crucial part of the interview process: the very end.

Income Tax Centralized Processing Center (CPC), Bengluru Becomes ISO-27001:2005 Compliant

October 1, 2014 1639 Views 7 comments Print

Centralised Processing Center (CPC) of the Income Tax Department at Bengluru, Karnatka has added one more feather to its cap by becoming ISO 27001 compliant. The ISO-27001 certificate was awarded to CPC by British Standards Institution (BSI).

ICAI President's Message – October 2014

October 1, 2014 1604 Views 0 comment Print

Dear Professional Colleagues, “There is a higher court than (all) courts of justice and that is the court of conscience,” rightly said the father of our nation Mahatma Gandhi, for whom the professionalism was intertwined with ethics, call of conscience and service to the nation. This messiah of truth and non-violence also had a special […]

Summary on International Finance Theory

October 1, 2014 16415 Views 0 comment Print

Broadly this theory may be discussed under 5 sub theories, they are: 1) Interest Rate Parity 2) Purchasing Power Parity 3) Fisher Effect 4) International Fisher Effect 5) Expectation Theory

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