The assessee is a owner/host of website where individuals can register and exchange the relevant information for matrimonial alliances on payment of appropriate subscription amount. The facility is available to the resident as well as non residents. Vide service order dated 14.6.2004, the assessee availed the service of Rackspace. The said contract was extended and modified on 1.1.2007. The Rackspace offered advanced type of dedicated hosting solution to the assessee. The services provided by Rackspace to the assessee are stated by the Assessing Officer in the order u/s 201(1) and 201(1A) in para 3 as under:
In the present case, the appellant assessee had filed before the Tribunal a copy of their bank account statements as well as ledger account of the parties to whom the payment was required to be made. It is apparent that the appellant-assessee was not doing well in its business and was facing liquidity and financial crunch. An examination of the bank account statement shows that whenever cash deposit was made in the bank account, it was immediately thereafter utilized to issue cheques towards the expenditure.
In the present case it is not the case of the Revenue that the new unit by itself is not capable of production of goods but the case of the Revenue is that it takes help of the old existing unit. We are of the view that, that itself should not be the reason to reject the claim under Section 80-I of the Act. Thus, whether an undertaking is a “new industrial undertaking” entitled to the exemption under Section 80-I of the Act depends on the facts of each case. No hard and fast rule can be laid down. Use by the assessee of the old undertaking for the purpose of production in its new undertaking is not a decisive test in construing Section 80-I of the Act.
General Anti-Avoidance Rules has been introduced as a result of Ruling in the case of VODAFONE by the Apex Court. The implication of this is that the Income-tax department will have powers to deny tax benefit if a transaction was carried out exclusively for the purpose of avoiding tax.
Recent Budget has introduced a Section 80A for waiver of penalty subject to following conditions – Service tax due on renting of immovable property service is paid within a period of six month along with interest. The amount of service tax due will be as on 6.3.2012.
Under the provisions of section 144C of the Income-tax Act where an eligible assessee files an objection against the draft assessment order before the Dispute Resolution Panel (DRP), then, the time limit for completion of assessments are as provided in section 144C notwithstanding anything in section 153. A similar provision is proposed to be made where assessments are framed as a result of search and seizure to provide that for such assessments, time limit specified in section 144C will apply, notwithstanding anything in section 153B.
Power of the DRP to enhance variations Dispute Resolution Panel (DRP) had been constituted with a view to expeditiously resolve the cases involving transfer pricing issues in the case of any person having international transactions or in case of a foreign company. It has been provided under sub-section (8) of section 144C that DRP may […]
Under the provisions of sub-section (8) of section 144C, the DRP has the power to confirm, reduce or enhance the variations proposed in the draft order. The Income Tax Department does not have the right to appeal against the directions given by the DRP. The taxpayer has been given a right to appeal directly to the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal (ITAT) against the order passed by the Assessing Officer in pursuance of the directions of the DRP.
Section 139 of the Act provides for due date of filing return of income in case of various categories of persons. In addition to filing of return of income, the assesses who have undertaken international transactions are also required to prepare and file a Transfer Pricing report in Form 3CEB, as per Section 92E of the Act, before the due date of filing of return of income.
The rate of service tax is being increased from ten per cent. to twelve per cent. 2) Consequent to change in the rate of service tax, changes are also being made in specific and compounding rates of tax for the following:a) Service in relation to purchase and sale of foreign currency including money changing; b) Service of promotion, marketing, organizing or in any manner assisting in organizing lottery; c) Works contract service;