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Archive: 05 December 2010

Posts in 05 December 2010

Constitutional validity of levy of service tax on commercial renting and amendment with retrospective effect, i.e., 1.6.2007

December 5, 2010 333 Views 0 comment Print

The Petitioner, owner of commercial immoveable property, has let out the said property to business entities on rental basis. The Petitioner has challenged the levy of Service Tax on renting of immoveable property covered under Section 65(90a) and Section (65)(105)(zzzz) of the Finance Act, 1994 and its retrospective amendment under the category ‘Renting of immoveable property services’ as ultra-vires the legislative competence of the Parliament.

Constitutional validity of the Parliament to levy Service Tax on financial leasing services including equipment leasing and hire-purchase

December 5, 2010 867 Views 0 comment Print

The appellant is an association of leasing and financial companies. The appellant had filed a writ petition in the Madras High Court challenging the levy of Service Tax imposed on the financial leasing services covered under ‘Banking and other financial services’ as ultra vires the legislative competence of the Parliament. The Madras High Court dismissed the writ petition. The appellant filed civil appeal in the Supreme Court.

Scope of the expression ‘job worker’

December 5, 2010 411 Views 0 comment Print

M/s Coromandel Paints Ltd („the appellant?) are manufacturers of paints & varnishes, thinners falling under chapter 32 and 38 of the schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 („the Central Excise Tariff?). The appellant had entered into an agreement with M/s. Sigmakalon India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai (SIPL) for manufacture and supply of paints. The paints manufactured by the appellant for SIPL were meant for industrial and institutional use, hence, in accordance with the provision of Standards of Weights and Measures Act, 1976, no MRP was required to be printed on such packages. Accordingly, the valuation of the same is not required to be done under Section 4A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 („the Central Excise Act?). Therefore, the appellant sold the said goods to SIPL by paying Central Excise duty on the transaction value i.e. on the landing cost of the raw materials and the production overheads. Further, the invoice amounts were adjusted against the advances paid by SIPL. The Department demanded duty from the appellant on the ground, that the goods were being manufactured by the appellant on job work basis and the same were required to be assessed in terms of Rule 10A of the Central Excise (Determination of price of excisable goods) Rules, 2000 („the Valuation Rules?). The demand was upheld by the Commissioner of Central Excise (Appeals). Being aggrieved by the order of the Commissioner (Appeals), the appellant preferred an appeal to the Customs, Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal (“CESTAT?).

Facebook offers Rs 70 lakh package for IIT Madras students

December 5, 2010 420 Views 0 comment Print

Facebook on Friday recruited one of its addicts from India. The website, which recently logged its 500 millionth active citizen, made an offer of about Rs 70 lakh for a posting in the United States, which has created a buzz on all IIT campuses where

DTC to make tax system more predictable- Pranab

December 5, 2010 294 Views 0 comment Print

Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee today said the government will try to plug tax leakages through the proposed Direct Taxes Code (DTC) which will make the taxation regime transparent and predictable.

Investments around the world are ready to rock 2011

December 5, 2010 315 Views 0 comment Print

From the struggling economy of US to the emerging economies every one is ready with their investment ideas and strategies. In this series of article we will present a host of economies where inside investments as well as cross border investment will be discussed. In my first issue we are glad to present you investments “In China”.

Govt begins hunt for 8 public sector bank chiefs

December 5, 2010 342 Views 0 comment Print

The government has begun the process for selecting chiefs of at least eight public sector banks, including the country’s biggest lender SBI, where top position would fall vacant in the next fiscal. Kicking off a process that might take at least 4-5 m

Now, you can't buy mutual funds without a PAN card

December 5, 2010 444 Views 0 comment Print

All mutual fund investors, new as well as existing, will need to mandatorily furnish their PAN (Permanent Account Number) details from next year irrespective of the size of their investment. The move is part of the revised Know-Your-Customer (KYC) co

CWA and CAT December 2010 Exams Admit Card/Hall Ticket available for download – ICWAI

December 5, 2010 432 Views 0 comment Print

CWA and CAT December 2010 Exams Admit Card/Hall Ticket available for download official links of ICWAI . CWA Exam Admit Card/Hall ticket – Download Link CAT Exam Admit Card/Hall ticket – Download Link Any problems/Queries regarding Hall tickets – h

Forfeiture of gratuity for loss sustained illegal

December 5, 2010 1035 Views 0 comment Print

The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, did not provide for forfeiture of gratuity amount due to employees in any other contingency except the one covered under Section 4(6), viz., recovery of dues from them. Also, the law stipulated that for invoking the

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