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Archive: 01 October 2009

Posts in 01 October 2009

MVAT – Electronic Filing of Audit Report in Form -704

October 1, 2009 24002 Views 0 comment Print

Any dealer who files Audit Report on or after 1st October 2009 for any period shall file the same in the new Form-704. Now, it is mandatory for all the dealers who are required to get their books of account audited as per the provisions of the section 61 of the MVAT Act, 2002 to file Audit Report in Form-704 electronically.

Government launched 1% interest subvention scheme on housing/home loans up to Rs.10 lakhs

October 1, 2009 1856 Views 0 comment Print

The Government today launched an interest subvention scheme of 1% on all individual housing loans upto Rs.10 lakh for units costing upto Rs. 20 lakh. The scheme recognizes that cut in interest rates has an important role to play in reducing EMIs of borrowers & creating additional demand for housing. The Scheme will cover all […]

MVAT circular on Periodicity of return filing for the period 01.04.09 to 31.03.10

October 1, 2009 14860 Views 0 comment Print

Nothing in this paragraph shall apply to the said registered dealer unless he applies to the Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax (Returns), in Mumbai or as the case may be Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax (VAT Administration) in rest of the State.

Web Designing & Hosting – Capital or Revenue Expenditure

October 1, 2009 14540 Views 0 comment Print

A landmark decision recently delivered by the Delhi High Court in the case of CIT v. INDIAN VISIT. COM (P.) LTD. is sure to cheer the hearts of several business entities that spend large amounts in developing their websites.

Rate of service tax on contract entered after July 7th, 2009 where the developer supplies steel and cement free of cost to contractor

October 1, 2009 3567 Views 0 comment Print

What would be the rate of service tax on contract entered after July 7th, 2009 where the developer supplies steel and cement free of cost to contractor? The Works Contract (Composition Scheme for Payment of Service Tax) Rules, 2007 has been amended vide Notification No. 23/2009-ST, dated 07.07.09. The Explanation to sub-rule (3) was amended to provide that the composition scheme would be available only to such works contracts where the gross value of works contract includes the value of all goods used in or in relation to the execution of works contract whether received free of cost or for construction under any other contract.

Policy Circular No. 9/2009-2014, Dated: 01.10.2009

October 1, 2009 670 Views 0 comment Print

In this regard, it is clarified that the value addition on clubbing should be the prescribed minimum value addition stated in the FTP and not the declared value addition given in the application. In case of clubbing of authorisations with different minimum prescribed value addition, the aggregate value addition should be the weighted average based on CIF value utilized in the respective authorisations.

Regarding anti dumping duty on melamine

October 1, 2009 286 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (5) of section 9A of the said Act and in pursuance of rule 23 of the said rules, the Central Government hereby makes the following amendment in the notification of the Government of India, in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No. 107/2004-CUSTOMS, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, section 3, sub-section (i) vide number G.S.R.748 (E), dated the 16th November, 2004, namely

Announcement for Students appearing for the Professional Competence Examination (PCE) for November, 2009

October 1, 2009 456 Views 0 comment Print

The Examination Committee has taken the following important decisions for the November, 2009 examinations. Students are advised to note them carefully. A.    CA course being a professional course, practical training is an essential part of it and accordingly all papers of Professional Competence Examination as well as Final should be practical oriented questions as also […]

Instructions for filing of from no. 704 related to MVAT audit and download form 704

October 1, 2009 8383 Views 0 comment Print

Instructions for filing of e-704 1)      It is necessary to use the downloaded form e 704 as is available on the web www.mahavat.gov.in 2)      There are few easy steps for filing of e 704 First login to www.mahavat.gov.in Click on the menu “Downloads” Select Form e 704 from the menu

CBEC launches ACES (Automation of Central Excise and Service tax)

October 1, 2009 642 Views 0 comment Print

The Department has started sending Emails to all the existing Assessees as “Central Board of Excise & Customs has developed a new software application called Automation of Central Excise & Service Tax (ACES) to do on-line transactions with the Central Excise & Service Tax departments i.e. filing your Central Excise/ Service Tax returns, claims and intimations etc.

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