Notification No. 11341-Income Tax In exercise of the powers conferred by Explanation C(i) of section 10(23G) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, the Central Board of Direct Taxes hereby notifies Bulk Handling Terminals as infrastructure facility. 2. Provided that such Bulk Handling Terminals are developed or maintained or operated for development of rail system.
Notification No. 399(E)/2000-Income Tax In exercise of the powers conferred by Explanation (c)(i) of section 10(23G) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, the Central Board of Direct Taxes hereby notifies Bulk Handling Terminals as infrastructure facility. 2. Provided that such Bulk Handling Terminals are developed or maintained or operated for development of rail system.
DGFT outlines conditions and procedures for exporting Sandalwood Oil in India. Export ceiling set for 1999-2000, with authorizations issued based on eligibility
The principal notification No. 16/2000-Customs dated the 1st March 2000 was published in the Gazette of India, (Extraordinary) vide GSR No. 168 (E), dated the 1st March, 2000 and last amended by notification No. 34/2000-Customs dated, the 5th April, 2000 published in the Gazette of India (Extraordinary) vide GSR NO. 308(E), dated the 5th April, 2000.
Circular No. 526/22/2000-CX It is directed to invite your kind attention to the Supreme Court’s decision in Civil Appeal No. 7282/96 in the matter of M/s Sidhartha Tubes Ltd. Vs. CCE decided on 3rd November, 1999. The Apex Court vide this impugned order has dismissed party’s appeal with costs.
Exporters desirous of getting their brands approved by Inter-Ministerial Committee in terms of paragraph 14.4 of the Policy shall be required to submit an application to DGFT, New Delhi in the form given in Appendix– 11-I alongwith the prescribed documents.