Notification No.S.O.2776 – Income Tax It is notified for general information that M/s. Happy Home profin Ltd., Suite A-I, 75, C. P. Ramaswamy Road, Abiramapuram, Chennai-600 018, have been approved by the Central Government as a housing finance company for the purposes of section 36(1)(viii) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, for the assessment years 1997-98 to 1998-99
Until a few years ago, Haj Pilgrims used to board the vessel from Bombay Port and on their return journey, disembark at Bombay. Due to changed circumstances, now Haj Pilgrims travel by Air only and at present they board the Aircrafts from 6 different major Airports. Ministry of Civil Aviation and Air India have stated that wherever landing facility for wide bodied 747 Jumbo Aircrafts is
I am directed to refer to the various ICDS/ CFSs approved by IMSC / Board to facilitate import / export work from time to time. The staff is being sanctioned by Board to deal with customs work at such places. Staff for all the new ICD is being sanctioned on cost recovery basis. Government of India have approved norms for sanction of Customs Staff for ICD and CFS as under
On the various representations from Export Promotion Councils, the Government has decided to restore the old rates of Drawback in respect of Knitwrars, Garments and Made-ups covered under Serial/ Sub-Serial Nos. 52.03, 60.02, 61.01, 61,02, 62.02, 62.11, 63.61, 63.09 and 63.11 of the Drawback Table 97-98 fixed vide Ministry’s Notification No. 22/ 97-Cus (NT) dated 30.5.97. These old rates of
Government of India have taken a number of important decision, as a part of the Scheme Uperation Instant Cargo, for the expeditious clearance of cargo lying unclaimed/ uncleared in the seaports, Airports and Aircargo within a specified complexes tim