As a first step, any exporter seeking to apply under IES, need to register on the DGFT Website (if not already registered). It may be ensured that applicant’s IEC is linked to its online account, the IEC (ANF-2A) and the Exporter-Importer Profile(ANF-1) is updated to reflect correct and up-to-date details.
Representations have been received from various entities indicating that certain firms have entered into purchase contract prior to 11.02.2022 for import of Moong (ITC(HS) Code 0713 31 90) with either (i) advance payment, or (ii) partial advance payment and remaining amount payable against Documents (CAD).
In view of the current international situation, Department of Commerce and DGFT have undertaken to monitor the status and related difficulties being faced by stakeholders on Russia/Ukraine trade related issues. Department of Commerce/DGFT has operationalised a Helpdesk to support and seek suitable resolutions to issues related to India’s International Trade in this regard with immediate effect.
Mandatory filing/issuance of Registration Cum Membership Certificate (RCMC)/ Registration Certificate (RC) through the DGFT common digital platform from 01.04.2022
Replenishment Authorisation for applications submitted before 21.02.2022 through legacy system ( will continue to be processed through legacy system by RAs.
Reference is invited to para 2.107 of the HBP, wherein the details of allocation of Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) under various FTA/CECA are notified. The procedure for application of TRQ has been laid down in Annexure I, II and III of Appendix 2A of the Handbook of Procedures.
In this reference, it is informed that the transition period for mandatory filing of applications for Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin through the e-CoO Platform has been extended till 31st March 2022. The existing systems for submitting and processing non-preferential CoO applications in manual/ paper mode is permitted for the stated time period and the electronic system is not being made mandatory.
All IECs which have not been updated after 01.07.2020 shall be de-activated with effect from 01.02.2022. The list of such IECs may be seen at the given link ( . The concerned IEC holders are provided an opportunity to update their IEC in this interim period till 31.01.2022, failing which the given IECs shall be de-activated from 01.02.2022.
The one time registration for obtaining General SCOMET license is required to be obtained from DGFT for export under General authorization for export of Chemicals and related equipments (GAEC) separately for each Category/Sub-Category (i.e. one general license for each 1C , 1D, 1E, 3D001 and 3D004) falling under this policy.
Government of India Ministry of Commerce and Industry Department of Commerce Directorate General of Foreign Trade Dated: 06th January 2022 Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi Trade Notice No. 29/2021-2022 To, All Exporters/Members of Trade All Export Promotion Councils/Commodity Boards Subject: Continuation of operations of the DGFT ‘COVID-19 Helpdesk’ for International Trade related Issues’ Department of Commerce […]