On or about 12th January 2010, an officer in the Income Tax department, Mumbai, noticed that refunds had been issued from his jurisdiction without his knowledge or approval of his higher authorities. He immediately brought the matter to the notice of his superior officers. 2. On internal inquiry by the Income Tax department, it was found that User Ids and Passwords of certain officers had been fraudulently used to generate refunds in some cases. Upon detection of the fraud, the following actions were taken by the Income Tax department to contain the damage:-
The Press Information Officer, Press Information Bureau, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, with the request that the above mentioned Press Note may be given wide publicity.
Press Release No. 402/92/2006-MC (04 of 2010) A new provision relating to tax deduction at source (TDS) under the Income Tax Act 1961 will become applicable with effect from 1st April 2010. Tax at higher of the prescribed rate or 20% will be deducted on all transactions liable to TDS, where the Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the deductee is not available.
The existing policy of Government of India on the payment of royalties under Foreign Technology Collaboration provides for automatic approval for foreign technology transfers involving payment of lumpsum fee of US$ 2 million and payment of royalty of 5% on domestic sales and 8% on exports. In addition, where there is no technology transfer involved, royalty up to 2% for exports and 1% for domestic sales is allowed under automatic route on use of trademarks and brand names of the foreign collaborator. Separate norms are available for the hotel sector vide Press Note 18 (1991 Series) and Press Note 1 (1995 Series). Technology transfers involving payments above these limits required prior permission of the Government of India (Project Approval Board, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion).
Letter [F.No. 404/10/2009-ITCC], dated 1-12-2009 Many queries have been received regarding the applicability of Instruction number 95 dated 21.8.1969 vis-à-vis Instruction number 1914 dated 2.12.1993. Many assesses are taking the plea that Instruction No. 1914 does not supercede Instruction No. 95 dated 21.8.1969. 2. Instruction No. 95 dated 22.8.1969 was an assurance given by the […]
Stamp duty collection as per Article 51A of the schedule I of the Bombay Stamp Act, 1958 to collect the stamp duty from the brokers on transactions of shares and securities conducted in Maharashtra was stayed earlier. Many brokers conduct the business of share and securities transaction in Maharashtra.
The Income Tax Act 1961 (the Act) has been amended with effect from 1st October 2009 to provide that any gift-in-kind, being an immovable property or any other property, the value of which exceeds Rs.50,000 (rupees fifty thousand), will become taxable in the hands of the donee, being an individual or a Hindu Undivided Family […]
Government of India had laid the guidelines for foreign investment in Commodity Exchanges vide Press Note 2(2008) dated 12th March 2008. As per the guidelines, a composite ceiling for foreign investment of 49% was allowed with prior Government approval, subject to the condition that investment under the Portfolio Investment Scheme will be limited to 23% and that under the FDI Scheme
An unlisted company making an IPO shall list the securities on at least one stock exchange having nationwide trading terminals. This would provide a liquid trading platform to investors in securities of the company.
The CBDT has finally come out with a much awaited Press Release relating to the new TDS rules. All of us were anxiously waiting for some news about the Unique Transaction Numbers that are required to be generated with effect from 1st July, 2009.