SEBI cautions investors against dealing in unlisted shares on unauthorized platforms, emphasizing investor protection and warning about potential risks.
Over 1.12 lakh companies registered in FY 2024-25, with various government initiatives to reduce costs and improve ease of doing business.
ICSI advises professionals to comply with SEBI’s investment adviser registration regulations for investment advice outside their primary services.
SEBI launches MITRA, a platform for investors to trace inactive and unclaimed mutual fund folios and prevent fraud.
The unclaimed funds in the IEPF have grown to ₹8,237.20 crores by FY 2023-24. The Government has no plans to use it for CSR activities.
No plans to waive or reduce GST on Khadi products, but some Khadi fabrics and yarn are exempt from GST.
DGGI investigates 642 offshore entities in online gaming; no reciprocal info-sharing with foreign governments yet.
GST Council forms GoM to review GST rates on health insurance; potential impact on revenue and consumer relief under evaluation.
GST on health insurance for senior citizens under review; GST Council forms GoM to examine rate rationalization and exemption proposals.
Government decriminalizes minor direct tax offences, simplifies compliance, and improves litigation management. Key changes include amended Section 276A and 276B.