The present mode of virtual hearing and e-filing will continue as per the earlier notification dated 31.12.2021 and 09.01.2022. Now based on the suggestion given by the Members, Officers/staff of the Registry and Members of the legal fraternity Pan India the hearing of cases will be limited to urgent matters which require immediate orders.
The first week of the New Year brings with it the onset of the third wave of COVID-19. As the number of cases mount, we need to be ready, individually as well as institutionally, to meet squarely the challenge, as we have in the past. Please do not let your guard down, follow COVID – appropriate behavior at all times; test 85 isolate if necessary; stay safe and keep your colleagues, near 85 dear ones safe.
Following formats and requirements for disclosures of corporate governance requirements shall be applicable for the purpose of compliance: a. SEBI circular No. CIR/CFD/1/27/2019 dated February 08,2019 on the Annual Secretarial Audit Report and Secretarial Compliance report.
There may, however, be some cases where there may be a genuine reason for difference between the details of outward supplies declared in GSTR-1 and those declared in GSTR-3B. For example, the person may have made a typographical error or may have wrongly reported any detail in GSTR-1 or GSTR-3B. Such errors or omissions can be rectified by the said person in a subsequent GSTR-1/ GSTR-3B as per the provisions of sub-section (3) of section 37 or the provisions of sub-section (9) of section 39, as the case may be.
Supreme Court held in the case of M/s Westinghouse Saxby Farmer Ltd. Vs. Commissioner of Central Excise, Kolkata that the ‘relays’ are classifiable as parts of ‘railway signalling equipment’, under Heading 8608 of the Central Excise Tariff. In holding so, the Hon’ble Supreme Court has given precedence to the ‘sole or principal use’ test of Section Note 3 over the Note 2(f) to Section XVII which specifically excluded ‘electric equipment’ from being classified under Section XVII, whether or not it is identifiable as being for the goods of that Section.
Govt. sets up control room to monitor uninterrupted flow of goods & essential commodities. Ensuring people’s comfort & supporting businesses as states & UTs take steps to check Covid spread. Government help desk details: +91 11 23063554, 23060625 No. F – 12016/1/2021 -Estt. NG Government of India Ministry of Commerce and Industry Department for […]
If Covid-19 case is found on a particular floor then that floor will be sealed for 14 days, However entire building will be sealed if more than 10 active cases are found on more than one floor
The latest exercise has been completed and the updated tariff is now available on the departmental website. You may like to go through the same. The transposition exercise by Tariff Unit and the publication of the tariff reflecting the HS amendments are a major achievement. Kudos to the Customs Wing and to all officers associated with this mammoth task.
Commonly occurring procedural lapses in Assessment Proceedings as observed while analysing Writ petitions filed between 01/04/21 to 21/12/21- Assessment order has been passed even before the due date for reply allowed in the SCN/ DAO.
Interest rates of small saving schemes for the Fourth quarter of financial year 2021-22 starting from 1st January, 2022 and ending on 31st March, 2022 shall remain unchanged from the current rates applicable for the third quarter (1st October, 2021 to 31st December, 2021) for FY 2021-22. Small saving schemes includes PPF, NSC, Senior Citizen […]