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Trust Deed

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Points To Be Noted Before Drafting A Trust Deed

Corporate Law : A Public Charitable Trust Learn the must-know details of drafting a trust deed as per Indian Governments Rules. Points to be noted...

December 26, 2022 5706 Views 0 comment Print

Trust Deed Format for Charitable Medical Teaching Institute

Income Tax : Understanding the Trust Deed Format for Charitable Medical Teaching Institutes. Learn about the legal requirements and regulations...

April 23, 2022 12192 Views 0 comment Print

Trust: Creation, Trust Deed & Registration

Income Tax : Learn all about trust creation, trust deed, and registration as per the Indian Trust Act 1882. Understand the types of trusts in I...

August 20, 2021 75561 Views 2 comments Print

Draft of Public Charitable Trust Deed

CA, CS, CMA : Draft of Public Charitable Trust Deed THIS INDENTURE made at _____ this ——- day of ———– 1990 B...

November 9, 2020 113622 Views 7 comments Print

General Principles of Drafting with Focus on Contents of Deed

Corporate Law : Legal drafting is the most important instrument of legal communication. A professional need to have a very good hand at drafting a...

September 2, 2018 75963 Views 3 comments Print

Latest News

Format of Decleration to be taken from Donee by Trusts for donation received towards Corpus Fund

Income Tax : As we all know anonymous donations received by a trust are taxable, so every charitable trust has to keep the records of donation ...

October 10, 2011 80649 Views 3 comments Print

Standard format of Lease Deed, Agreements, Will, Deeds

Finance : will format, will by disabled person in favour of wife & daughter , revocation of will , simple will giving property to wife , wil...

October 14, 2008 32044 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Judiciary

In absence of trust deed CIT cannot consider Trust Registration Application

Income Tax : In the present case, the assessee was not having any trust deed. So it is quite difficult for the ld. Commissioner to arrive at a ...

April 20, 2017 1407 Views 0 comment Print

Commissioner is empowered to satisfy himself that the trust activates are genuine and in consonance with its objects before granting approval u/s 80G

Income Tax : From the above facts, it is clear that Once the society during a period of almost 12 years has not carried out any activity, excep...

January 22, 2010 2109 Views 0 comment Print

Recognition can not be denied U/s. 80G (5) only on the ground that the particulars of donors are not provided by Institution or fund

Income Tax : We have considered the rival submissions and perused the material on record. In our considered view , the reasons advanced by the ...

September 9, 2009 2943 Views 0 comment Print

Section 164 attracted when shares of beneficiaries are unknown

Finance : Section 164 gets attracted only when the shares of the beneficiaries are unknown, which is manifest from the marginal heading of t...

May 25, 2009 1595 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Posts in Trust Deed

Points To Be Noted Before Drafting A Trust Deed

December 26, 2022 5706 Views 0 comment Print

A Public Charitable Trust Learn the must-know details of drafting a trust deed as per Indian Governments Rules. Points to be noted before creating a trust!

Trust Deed Format for Charitable Medical Teaching Institute

April 23, 2022 12192 Views 0 comment Print

Understanding the Trust Deed Format for Charitable Medical Teaching Institutes. Learn about the legal requirements and regulations for setting up a charitable trust in the medical field.

Trust: Creation, Trust Deed & Registration

August 20, 2021 75561 Views 2 comments Print

Learn all about trust creation, trust deed, and registration as per the Indian Trust Act 1882. Understand the types of trusts in India and how they are governed by the Indian Trusts Act.

Draft of Public Charitable Trust Deed

November 9, 2020 113622 Views 7 comments Print

Draft of Public Charitable Trust Deed THIS INDENTURE made at _____ this ——- day of ———– 1990 BETWEEN __________ called ‘the Settlor’ (which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to include his heirs, executors or administrator) of the One Part AND (1) _________ AND (2) ___________ hereinafter […]

General Principles of Drafting with Focus on Contents of Deed

September 2, 2018 75963 Views 3 comments Print

Legal drafting is the most important instrument of legal communication. A professional need to have a very good hand at drafting as the skill to draft well is the skill to think and communicate well. Drafting is the collection and placing of all aspects of the matter in a logical manner and a lucid style […]

In absence of trust deed CIT cannot consider Trust Registration Application

April 20, 2017 1407 Views 0 comment Print

In the present case, the assessee was not having any trust deed. So it is quite difficult for the ld. Commissioner to arrive at a firm conclusion about the objects of the trust. In case the trust deed is being written after application for grant of registration, then that deed can never be seen through by the ld. Commissioner for satisfying himself.

Compliance Partnership firm – Forms, Fees and Documentation

May 29, 2014 143657 Views 18 comments Print

Partnership is simple to form and manage compared to company and LLP. However there are requirement of filing various forms in case of change in address, addition / removal of partner, change in firm name or business place etc. The article give you a tabular presentation of requirement for filing forms in Maharashtra State with time limit, documentation, section of Act, Filing fees and Penalties

Format of Decleration to be taken from Donee by Trusts for donation received towards Corpus Fund

October 10, 2011 80649 Views 3 comments Print

As we all know anonymous donations received by a trust are taxable, so every charitable trust has to keep the records of donation received which includes keeping the name, address and PAN of donee. If donations are received towards corpus than trust should obtain from donee an instruction mentioning his intention to treat the donation given by him as towards corpus of the trust. Given below is the format of instruction given by donee to trust to treat the donation given by him as towards the corpus fund:-

Commissioner is empowered to satisfy himself that the trust activates are genuine and in consonance with its objects before granting approval u/s 80G

January 22, 2010 2109 Views 0 comment Print

From the above facts, it is clear that Once the society during a period of almost 12 years has not carried out any activity, except purchasing land, to construct school/college building for imparting education, which was the main object of the society the activities of the trust for granting approval under section 80G cannot be called genuine and the CIT was fully justified in refusing to grant approval u/s 80G of the Income-tax Act. Hence, the order of Commissioner of Income-tax is upheld and consequently the remaining grounds of appeal taken by the appellant society stand rejected.

Formation & Taxation of Charitable Trust

November 3, 2009 60026 Views 25 comments Print

A public charitable or religious institution can be formed either as a Trust or as a Society or as a Company registered u/s 25 of the Companies Act. It generally takes the form of a trust when it is formed primarily by one or more persons. To form a Society at least seven persons are required. Institutions engaged in promotion of art, culture, commerce etc. are often registered as non-profit companies.

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