Income Tax : Learn the differences between TDS and Advance Tax, their applicability, payment schedules, penalties, and tax planning tips to ens...
Income Tax : Understand whether director remuneration is taxed as salary or business income. Learn about tax implications, employer-employee re...
Income Tax : Section 44ADA of Income Tax Act, 1961 offers a presumptive taxation scheme for professionals, simplifying tax compliance by allowi...
Income Tax : Explore the implications of the New Income Tax Bill 2025, including changes to deductions and losses under Section 58(4), aimed at...
Income Tax : Learn how Presumptive Taxation under Section 44ADA helps Indian freelancers with simplified compliance, tax relief on foreign inco...
CA, CS, CMA : There is no requirement for submitting the Financial Statements i.e. Balance Sheets and Income & Expenditure Account for the appli...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI decided to exclude audit conducted under section 44ADA of Income-tax Act, 1961 for reckoning the specified number of tax audi...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore held that penalty under section 271B of the Income Tax Act for delay in uploading audit report set aside as reasona...
Income Tax : Punjab & Haryana HC upholds Principal Commissioner’s revision under Section 263. Assessing Officer’s wrong Section 44ADA asses...
Income Tax : Navigate complexities of personal income tax in India for FY 2023-2024. Learn about filing returns, responding to notices, and opt...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai rules that income earned from a consultancy business, even with TDS deductions, should not be taxed under Section 44AD...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai rules in favor of a production supervisor, declaring no illegality in adopting presumptive tax under section 44AD. Ful...
Income Tax : The amendments brought about by Notification No. 45/2023 – Income-Tax (Income-tax (Eleventh Amendment) Rules, 2023) encompas...
Taxpayers opting for presumptive taxation schemes can enjoy relief from accounting and auditing with the Income-tax Act. Learn what sections 44AD, 44ADA, and 44AE have in store for you.
Taxpayers can learn more about Amendment in Section 44AD & 44ADA in this post. Get info on gross turnover, minimum taxable sum, digital transactions & more
Under section 44AB of the Act, every person carrying on business is required to get his accounts audited, if his total sales, turnover or gross receipts, in business exceeds one crore rupees in any previous year. The limit is raised to ten crore rupees where at least 95% of receipts/payments are in non-cash mode.
Whether Remission Of Trading Liability Separately Taxable Where Income From Business Has Been Declared On Presumptive Basis U/S 44AD, 44ADA Or 44AE of Income Tax Act, 1961
Pramod Kumar Tiwari Vs DCIT (ITAT Allahabad) in the case in hand, the assessee has admittedly filed the return under wrong provisions of presumptive tax under section 44ADA whereas the commission income as reflected in Form 26AS is subjected to TDS under section 194H and is required to be declared in Form ITR 3 as […]
Explore the Presumptive Taxation Scheme under the Income Tax Act, 1961. Understand the provisions of Sec 44AB, recent amendments, and key considerations for tax audit.
Understanding tax audit criteria normal and presumptive. Learn about the provisions under section 44AB and 44AD for beneficial taxation schemes.
Explore Section 44ADA of the Income Tax Act, 1961, with the latest amendments. This special provision applies to individuals or partnership firms engaged in prescribed professions. Learn about presumptive taxation, allowable deductions, treatment of asset depreciation, and the audit requirement for income exceeding the tax-free limit. Stay informed with a comprehensive summary of Section 44ADA for efficient tax compliance.
Held that as the amount received by the assessee is not in the nature of royalty or FTS, section 44DA of the Income Tax Act will not apply.
Whether tax audit is compulsory for a specified professional whose gross receipts from the profession do not exceed Rs. 50 Lakhs but the net profit declared is less than 50% of such gross receipts?