Company Law : EXTENSION OF DUE DATE FOR HOLDING OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM 2021) Section 96 of the Companies Act, 2013 provides that every c...
Company Law : Article explains Due dates of different e forms under the companies act, 2013, Whether there is extension of due dates of filing f...
Fema / RBI : What is Due Diligence: Due diligence is a process of research and analysis that is initiated before an acquisition, investment, bu...
Corporate Law : Limited Liability Partnership are the best way other than companies where the investment made can be withdrawn by the Designated P...
Income Tax : What is Trust As per the Indian Trust Act 1882, a Trust is an arrangement where the author/ owner (trustor) transfers the property...
For the better life of a human being, the good food is the one of the key factor which provides the proper quantity of vitamins, carbohydrate and other nutrients to a person. Hence, the Government keeps an eye over such traders/ manufactures/ venders who deal in any type of food items. For this Government passes the various laws, rules, regulations from time to time.
As the month of March is on its end, most of the companies which have taken loan earlier under the companies act 1956 and have filed DPT-4 in this Financial year declaring that the companies has such and such amount of deposits as on 31.03.2014, are now required to repay such loan on or before March 31, 2015 under Section 74(1)(b)
The appointment of independent director shall be approved by the company in general meeting as provided in sub-section (2) of section 152 and the explanatory statement annexed to the notice of the general meeting called to consider the said appointment shall indicate the justification for choosing the appointee for appointment as independent director.
REGISTRATION PROCESS UNDER PUNJAB SHOP AND ESTABLISHMENT ACT, 1958 – 1. Within the period specified, in sub-section (3), the employer of every establishment shall send to the prescribed authority concerned a statement in the prescribed Forms i.e. Form A, Form B, and Form F (as per their requirements) along with the required documents.
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has notified vide Section 149 (3) which effective April 1, 2014, every company must have at least one resident director. Resident Director: Resident Director As per Section 149 (3) is the one who has stayed in India for a total period of 182 days in the previous calendar year.
CS Mohit Saluja Ministry of Corporate Affairs has recently released Chapter XIII- The Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014. The rules are different from draft rules given for comments in respect of appointment of Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) and Secretarial Audit limit. Kill two birds with one stone or say “Ek teer se […]
I am writing this article on approval of DIN after two years of notification by MCA regarding approval of DIN by Professionals. I am not against the process of MCA to simplify the incorporation procedure as these simplified procedures are assisting us to cope up with the developing world and I know that we should accept simplified procedures instead of criticizing it.
In my 5 year long Practice, a no. of people come and ask for advice for starting a business and even ask for the what Form of Business should they opt for i.e. Proprietorship Firm/ partnership Firm/ Companies. And although I am Company Secretary, but I always advice them to start with Proprietorship Business and not for Private/ Public Limited Company at initial level of his business.
CS Mohit Saluja A few days ago, ICSI sent a mail to all the member of ICSI regarding giving the inputs to be included in the check list of various forms while pre-certification of E-Forms by the Practicing Professionals and the difficulties faced while pre-certification of forms by the Practicing Professionals. As the ICSI is […]
In India, a no. of families have their relatives living abroad who have gone either for earning livelihood or otherwise, always have intension to send/ remit the money in India for starting any business or to put their money in some projects.