Income Tax : Learn how to achieve tax-free rental income of ₹20,00,000 by leveraging deductions under Section 24 of the Income Tax Act, 1961,...
Income Tax : In this Article we have discussed briefly Different Provisions Applicable to Income from Business and Profession at one place. In ...
Income Tax : Article contain all benefit available to Small Businessmen including provisions for Presumptive Taxation Scheme, Various deduction...
Income Tax : Explore tax benefits available to individuals and HUFs for AY 2025-26, including exemptions, rebates, and allowances under various...
Income Tax : Discover the tax benefits for senior and very senior citizens for FY 2022-23, including higher exemption limits, interest deductio...
Finance : CA Sandeep Kanoi I just came to know about one very interesting investor education initiative called “Plan F- your financial fit...
Income Tax : India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited Issue Period: 26 Dec 2012 to 11 Jan 2013 Key Benefits: Credit Ratings: AAA by CARE, A...
Income Tax : If you are sitting on unrealised losses on equity investments made less than a year ago, here is some consolation. Those unrealise...
Discover 8 online services provided by the Income Tax Department for e-filing returns. View your filing history, refund status, and outstanding tax demand.
Though the due date for filing of your income tax returns is extended till 31st August 2015, I thought of writing about a few things which you as a tax payer should do before you actually sit down to prepare your income tax return yourself or visit your CA’s office. Even if you do not intend to file your return by 31st August, there are certain things which you should do before you the due date which is 31st July generally but is 31st August for this year.
The general perception when it comes to salaried employees is that there isn’t much scope for saving tax. But that isn’t true. In fact there are many avenues under the head Income from Salary in which tax savings are possible.
Where the landowner and builder execute joint development agreement, if the consideration is receivable in built-up area to be constructed and handed over by the builder to the landowner, it is advisable to avoid the applicability of section 53A of the Transfer of Property Act. This can be achieved by mentioning in the agreement that license is granted to the builder to enter the premises and construct the building. The possession is retained by the landowner, which will be handed over as and when the built-up area is constructed and delivered. By this stipulation, the transfer will take place only in the year in which the built-up area is received and not before.
Learn how the new tax rules for A.Y 2015-16 in India will benefit the salaried class. Find out about the increased minimum limit and more.
The new Indian government announced its tax rules for the current financial year. But very few announcements were made by new government which could provide relief to salaried class people. The first and the most important amendment was in the tax slab.
Plan your income and taxes for the 2014-15 financial year. Discover tax-saving instruments and strategies to reduce your tax liability with Section 80C.
An Equated Monthly Installment (EMI) is A fixed payment amount made by a borrower to a lender at a specified date each calendar month. Equated monthly installments are used to pay off both interest and principal each month, so that over a specified number of years, the loan is paid off in full.
Stay compliant with the Income Tax Department. Learn about important transactions you must disclose in your tax return to avoid penalties and legal action.
CA Sandeep Kanoi I just came to know about one very interesting investor education initiative called “Plan F- your financial fitness plan” and thought of sharing the same with you all. My very dear friend and blogger Manish Chauhan of shared the program details with me and I would like to pass on details about this […]