Finance : Explore 125 FAQs covering the statutory powers of Indias Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI). Learn about DRIs establishment...
Custom Duty : The elite investigation wing of the Central Revenue Department – DRI had been facing an existential crisis since the landmark Ca...
Custom Duty : Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) seizes over 30 crore worth of smuggled high-end premium watches of foreign origin. Smugg...
Custom Duty : The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) celebrated its 65th Founding Day on 5th December 2022 in an Inaugural Function hel...
Custom Duty : DRI busts factory manufacturing illicit psychotropic substances; seizes drugs worth Rs 245 crore Continuing its crackdown on drug ...
Custom Duty : Ministry of Finance DRI seizes Red Sanders worth Rs. 11.70 crore under “Operation Rakth Chandan” In line with its commitment t...
Custom Duty : Vijay Baid @ Vicky Vs Union of India (Chhattisgarh High Court) Learned counsel for the petitioner would submit that pursuant to ar...
Corporate Law : In yet another major success in its fight against the problem of smuggling and circulation of Fake Indian Currency Notes into Indi...
Custom Duty : Acting on a specific intelligence, officers of DRI, Guwahati Regional Unit under Kolkata Zonal Unit with the assistance of city po...
Custom Duty : Acting on a specific intelligence, the officers of DRI Siliguri, Siliguri Regional Unit under Kolkata Zonal Unit effected a seizur...
SEBI : PRESS RELEASE NO. 17/2011, DATED 19-1-2011 SEBI has prepared a discussion paper on outsourcing of activities related to the interm...
Acting on a specific intelligence, the DRI officers of Siliguri under Kolkata Zonal Unit effected a seizure of Red Sanders Wood weighing 6360 kg. valued at ` 63.60 lakh from a truck bearing registration no. NL-05D-6192 on 13.06.2011 at Leuchipokhri, P.S.- Phansidewa, Dist-Darjeeling. The logs were kept concealed under 235 pcs. of Indian style sanitary pans & 104 pcs. of small pipes.
In yet another major success in its fight against the problem of smuggling and circulation of Fake Indian Currency Notes into India, the officials of the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) seized FICN having face value of Rs.1.54 Crores in what is described as one of the bigg seizures of FICN by any agency in this country.
Acting on a specific intelligence, officers of DRI, Guwahati Regional Unit under Kolkata Zonal Unit with the assistance of city police effected a seizure of 115 packets of cannabis weighing 2344.40 kg. valued at Rs. 70.33 lakh from a truck bearing registration no. WB-25B-4384 on 21.05.2011 at Jalukbari police point, Guwahati, Assam. The packets of cannabis, recovered from the truck were kept concealed under 410 bags (12,557.00 kg.) of tea valued at Rs. 12, 55,700/-. The 2344.40 kg of cannabis, 12,557.00 kg. of tea and the carrier truck were seized in terms of the provisions of the NDPS Act, 1985. Total seizure value of the case is Rs. 86.89 lakh. The driver and the helper of the carrier vehicle were arrested. Further investigation is in progress.
Acting on a specific intelligence, the officers of DRI Siliguri, Siliguri Regional Unit under Kolkata Zonal Unit effected a seizure on 21 .05.2011 at 16.00 hrs. and recovered Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN) having total face value of Rs.12,90,500/- (2581 pcs. of Rs. 500/- denomination) from a luggage bag which was kept in a ‘Santro’ car bearing registration no. WB62B-1322, near a petrol pump at Ghoshpukur, P.O. & P.S. – Phansidewa, Dist-Darjeeling.
PRESS RELEASE NO. 17/2011, DATED 19-1-2011 SEBI has prepared a discussion paper on outsourcing of activities related to the intermediation services. The paper proposes certain principles for outsourcing, and indicates activities presently being outsourced by the intermediaries along with the suggested list of activities which should not be outsourced by them. The discussion paper is […]