CA, CS, CMA : Explore the ethical issues in auditing, their consequences, and strategies for maintaining integrity. Understand how ethical stand...
CA, CS, CMA : Learn how to set audit materiality, performance materiality, and determine sample sizes using Excel. Enhance audit accuracy and co...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore significance of ISA 580 and crucial role of Management Representation Letters in audits. Learn their purpose, reliability,...
Company Law : Coffee Day Enterprises Limited (CDEL) operates in various sectors, including coffee retailing, logistics, financial services, and...
CA, CS, CMA : SAS 500 is the fifth of the 16 SAS, which will become effective once posted by ICAI SRO i.e ISAI. The prime objective is to drasti...
Corporate Law : NFRA recommends 40 Auditing Standards for LLPs under the LLP (Amendment) Act 2021, effective from April 2026, for approval by the ...
CA, CS, CMA : Framework for Social Audit Standards defines and describes the elements and objectives of a social audit performed by social audit...
CA, CS, CMA : ICSI Social Audit Standard – 16 (ICSI SAS-16) aims to aid the Social Auditors with necessary instructions or guidelines for the ...
CA, CS, CMA : ICSI Social Audit Standard – 15 (ICSI SAS-15) aims to aid the Social Auditors with necessary instructions or guidelines for the ...
CA, CS, CMA : ICSI Social Audit Standard – 14 (ICSI SAS-14) aims to aid the Social Auditors with necessary instructions or guidelines for the ...
Company Law : NFRA issued a circular highlighting statutory auditors' obligations to report fraud in accordance with Companies Act, 2013. Circu...
Company Law : Further deferral of SA 701 cannot be permitted and it remains applicable for audits of financial statements for periods beginning ...
The Big Four accounting firms are reputed to have strong process controls. How then could one such firm have failed to detect such a multi-year scam as is getting unravelled in Satyam? “There is a co-relation between the size of audit firms and the size of companies, and hence all large corporate frauds involve big […]
ADAG group chairman Anil Ambani has asked market regulator SEBI to ensure confidentiality of commercial and other information while carrying out counter audit of top corporate houses in the wake of a mega financial fraud in Satyam leaving a blot on India Inc’s image. Welcoming Sebi’s initiative on establishing and certifying quality of audit, Ambani […]
In what could be a significant deterrent to corporate frauds, the concept of rotation of partners received a green signal from the apex body for chartered accountants, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), and mandates change of partners after seven consecutive years with a listed company. The step, cleared by ICAI, will be operational from April 2009 and is expected to significantly reduce complexity between individual partners in audit firms and their assigned companies, something that has been a cause behind many of the big corporate frauds to have hit the financial world.