National Stock Exchange of India
Circular Ref. No: NSE/CML/2021/35
Date: September 28, 2021
All Infrastructure Investment Trusts (InvITs)
All Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
All Issuers making public issue of Non-convertible securities/Securitised Debt Instruments/Security Receipts
Sub: Bank accounts for payment of fees to SEBI under the SEBI (Infrastructure Investment Trusts) Regulations, 2014,SEBI (Real Estate Investment Trusts) Regulations, 2014, SEBI (Informal Guidance) Scheme, 2003, SEBI (Issue and Listing of Non-convertible Securities) Regulations, 2021 and SEBI (Issue and Listing of Securitized Debt Instruments and Security Receipts) Regulations, 2008
The Exchange has received a communication from SEBI with respect to procedure for payment of fees to SEBI under the aforesaid regulations as follows:
a. Fees shall be remitted only to the virtual accounts as given below:
Name of the Bank | ICICI Bank Ltd. |
IFSC Code | I C I C 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 |
Beneficiary Name | Securities and Exchange Board of India |
Type of Fees | Virtual Account Code |
Regulatory Fee – Public Issue of Debt Securities | SEBIRCDEBTPUBLICPLC |
Regulatory Fee – Public Issue of Non-convertible Redeemable Preference Shares | SEBIRCNCRPSPUBLICPLC |
Filing Fee – Public Issue of Securitised Debt Instruments | SEBIRCSDIPUBLICPLC |
Registration Fees – Trustee/ Special Purpose Distinct Entity (includes Application/ Registration/ Annual) | SEBIRCSPDE |
Exemption Fees – Under LODR/ NCS | SEBIRCEXEMPTFEE |
Informal Guidance | SEBIRCIG |
b. Remittance of the Application fee and Registration fee to SEBI for registration of REITs and InvITs shall be through SEBI Intermediary Portal only.
c. You are advised not to transfer or pay the fees through any other means/ mode which would create reconciliation issues and hence, delay the processing.
d. Particulars of Remittance are to be provided to SEBI by email at, immediately after the remittance is made, in the following format:
Name of the Remitter |
Date of Remittance |
Amount Remitted |
Name of the Origin Bank |
UTR/ Transaction Ref No. | Purpose for which remittance is made |
e. The aforesaid revised remittance mechanism shall become operational with effect from October 01, 2021. Accordingly, issuers are advised to follow the aforesaid procedure for payment of fees.
Yours faithfully,
For National Stock Exchange of India Limited
Harshad Dharod