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New Form GSTR-3B after amendments as per Circular No. 170/02/2022-GST dated: 06.07.2022

Dear Colleagues, Greetings of the day. You are all aware that 47’th GST Council has made certain recommendations to the Government, based on the recommendations of GST Council .CBIC has given Circular No. 170/02/2022-GST dated. 06.07.2022 with regards to mandatory furnishing of correct and proper information of inter-State supplies and amount of ineligible/blocked Input Tax Credit (ITC) and reversal thereof in return in FORM GSTR-3B and statement in FORM GSTR-1 w.e.f. 01.07.2022.

The procedure of return filling under GST has been cut down over the period of time. From December,2020 Form GSTR-3B is getting auto-generated on the GST Portal by way of auto-population of input tax credit from Form GSTR-2B i.e. Auto-Generated inward supply statement) and Auto-Population of liabilities from Form GSTR-1 (Outward supply statement), with an ending of facility to the registered person. There are still some unhealthiness in information being furnished by the registered person in Form GSTR-3B.

The GST Council made certain recommendations to overcome such unhealthiness, various changes and clarifications have been made and provided in Form GSTR-3B vide Notification No.14/2022-Central Tax,dated.05.07.2022 and  Circular No. 170/02/2022-GST dated.06.07.2022, the comprehensive analysis of the same has given here for your ready reference.

Every regular taxpayers , including who are opting for the Quarterly Return and monthly payment (QRMP) scheme, must file the below Form GSTR-3B return and report required data through the below format. It is a monthly abstract of return but the frequency can be once a quarter for the Quarterly Return and monthly payment (QRMP) taxpayers.

New Form GSTR-3B :

1. Taxpayer can use his GSTN Number, If you are not having GSTN no. mentioned  provisional I.D. number in Box No.1,

2. Legal name of the taxpayer. This box is auto-populated after mentioning GSTN number of the taxpayer in Box NO.2,

3. Outward supplies and inward supplies on RCM (Details where tax is payable by the taxpayer in Box No.3.1, Draft Form GSTR-3B (after amendment),

Name of supplies

Total Taxable value Integrated Tax (IGST) Central Tax (CGST) State Tax (SGST) Cess
(a).Outward taxable supplies (other than ZERO Rated, NIL rated and Exempted)  — —— —— —— —–
(b). Outward taxable supplies (Zero rated) —– —— ——- ——- —–
(c). Other outward supplies (Nil rated, Exempted) —–  —- —— —— ——
(d). Inward supplies (liable to RCM) —– —– —— —— —–
(e). Non-GST outward supplies —– —— —– —— —–

Notes on filling of the above boxes:

1. Outward taxable supplies: Box No.3.1.(a): You have to mention the value of taxable supplies means Value of invoice + Value of debit notes –Value of credit notes +Value of advances received for which invoices have not been issued in the same month – Value of advances adjusted against invoices details of advances as well as adjustment of advances against invoices are not required to be shown separately.

2. Outward supplies (Zero Rated supplies): Box No.3.1(b): You have to mention ZERO rated supplies which GST rate is ZERO. Zero Rated supplies means (i).Exports (ii) Supplies made to SEZ units or Developers.

3. Other Outward Supplies (NIL rated, Exempted supplies) : Box.3.1(c ): You have to mention EXEMPTED from GST or Nil Rated supplies for which the GST rate is NIL i.e. Salt, Fresh milk, Food Products by packed goods (excluding pre-packed or Pre-Labeled in terms of Legal Metrology Act ).

4. Inward supplies (Liable to RCM ): Box No.3.1(d): You have to mention details of purchases made by un-registered dealers on which RCM is applicable.

5. Non-GST Supplies: Box No.3.1(e ):You have to mention details of any supplies made such taxpayer kept wholly out of GST i.e. Alcohol and Petroleum Products etc.

In each of the above box nos.3.1.(b) to 3.1.(e) you must provide the total taxable value and IGST,CGST,SGST/UTGST and Cess if any. If you do not have invoice level details, You have to mentioned consolidated values for the month must be provided.

As per Notification No.14/2022-Central Tax,dated.05.07.2022 and  Circular No. 170/02/2022-GST dated.06.07.2022 new table 3.1.1.has been inserted in Form GSTR-3B which is as below:

The taxpayer must report  the details of supplies notified under sub-section (5) of Sec.9 of CGST Act,2017 and corresponding provisions in IGST /UTGST /SGST Acts,2017.

Nature of supplies Total taxable value IGST Tax CGST Tax SGST/UTGST Tax Cess
(i). Taxable supplies on which Electronic Commerce Operator (ECO) pays tax under sub-section (5) of Sec.9 .(To be furnished by the ECO (Electronic Commerce Operator) —— ——- —— —– —-
(ii). Taxable supplies made by the registered person through Electronic Commerce Operator (ECO) is required to pay tax under sub-section (5) of Sec.9. ( To be furnished by the registered person making supplies through (ECO (Electronic Commerce Operator) ——- ——— ——– ——- ——

Accordingly, from now onwards, an Electronic Commerce Operator (ECO) shall furnish the details of such taxable supplies on which it has  to be paid the tax under Sub-section (5) of Section 9 of CGST Act,2017 in Form GSTR-3B.

Out of supplies shown in 3.1(a) and 3.1.1(i) above, details of inter-State supplies made to un-registered persons, Composition taxable persons and UIN holders, Shall also be shown in Box No.3.2.

Type of supplies Place of supply (POS) (State/UT) Total taxable value n Rs. Amount of IGST in Rs.
Supplies made to Un-registered Persons. ——- ———- ———
Supplies made to Composition Taxable Persons. ——– ———— ———
Supplies made to UIN holders. —— ———– ———

Therefore, it is hereby considered that the registered persons making inter-State supplies,

(i) To the un-registered persons, shall also report the details of such supplies, place of supply-wise in table 3.2 of Form GSTR-3B and table 7B or table 5 or table 9/10 of Form GSTR-01, as case may be.

(ii) To the registered persons paying tax U/s. 10 of the CGSt Act,2017 (Compositions dealers) and to UIN holders shall also report the details of such supplies, place of supply-wise in table 3.2 of Form GSTR-3B and table 4A or 4C or 9 of Form GTSR-1, as the case may be, as mandated by the law as per  Circular No. 170/02/2022-GST dated.06.07.2022 issued by CBIC.

(iii) Further, suggestion to the taxpayer ,update their customer data base properly with State name and secure that correct Place of Supply (POS) is declared in the tax invoice and in table 3.2 of FORM GSTR-3B while filling their return , so, that reaches the Consumption State as per the principles of destination-based taxation system as per GST Law,2017.

(iv) Further , suggestion to the taxpayer, that any amendment carried out in table 9 or table 10 of Form GSTR-31or any entry in table 11 of Form GSTR-1 relating to such supplies should also be given effect to while reporting the turnovers in table 3.2 of Form GSTR-3B.

(v) Further , suggestion to the taxpayer, that prepare ledger accounts based on Place of supply wise (POS) i.e. Intra-State wise, Inter State wise and rate of tax wise to report turnover in Form GSTR-1 and Form GSTR-3 and also preset the records to the GST officers at the time of audit without confusion and problem from the department officers.

Details of amendments made in Form GSTR-3B at table No.4 with regards to Eligible Input Tax Credit ( Eligible ITC):

Table-4: Eligible ITC:

Details Integrated Tax (IGST) Central Tax (CGST) State/UTGST Tax Cess
(A). ITC Available (whether in full or part) ——- ——– ——– —–
(1).Import of goods ——– ——— ——— —–
(2).Import of services
(3).Inward supplies liable to RCM(other than 1 &2 above) ——– ———  ——– ——
(4).Inward supplies from ISD ——– ——– ——— ——–
(5). All other ITC
(B). ITC Reversed ——– ——- ——– ———
(1)  As per rules38, 42 &43 of CGST Rules,2017 and Sub-Sec.17(5) of CGST Act,2017 ——– ——– ——- ——
(2)  Others ——- ——– ——— ——–
(C ). Net ITC Available (A)-(B ——– ———- ——— ——
(D).Ineligible ITC ——– ———- ——– ——-
(1)  As per Sec.17(5) ——– ——— ——– ——–
(2)  Others Details ——– ——– ——— ——
(i)  ITC reclaimed which was reversed under table 4(B)(2) in earlier tax period ———- ——– ——– ——–
(ii) Ineligible ITC under Sec.16(4) and ITC restricted due to Place of Supply provisions (POS). ——– ————- ———— —–

Notes on filling of Table No.4 of Form GSTR-3B:

The above details are required for the input tax credit. It must be provided separately for IGST,CGST,SGST,UTGST and Cess etc., Total values have to be reported  only and invoice level information is not required.

(A).ITC Available ( Whether in full or part) : This  information must be broken down into Input Tax Credit on:

(i).Import of Goods,

(ii). Import of Services,

(iii). Inward supplies on RCM ( other than on import of goods and services reported above).

(iv). Inward supplies from your Input Service Distributor (ISD) , basically your head office registered as an ISD under GST.

(v).All other ITC: Input Tax Credit as per Tran-1 and Tran-2 must be fill first in this Colum.

(B).ITC Reversed:

In case of reversal of ITC made by banking company or a financial institution under Rule 3B of CGST Rules, 2017 engaged in the supply of services by way of accepting deposits or extending loans or advances that chooses not to comply with the provisions of sub-section(2) of Section 17, shall report such reversal of ITC under Table 4(B) (1) of Form GSTR-3B. Previously, these companies used to report the reversal of ITC under “Other Reversal of table 4(B)(2)of Form GSTR-3Bor show the net ITC after reversal under Table 4(A)(5) of Form GSTR-3B.

The data of inward supply of the taxpayers is available in Form GSTR-2B is carried to the table 4 in Form GSTR-3B for the purpose of taking ITC. Ineligible ITC as per Sec.17(5) of CGST Act,2017 forms part of such ITC as the ineligible ITC as per Sec.17(%) of the CGST Act,2017 does not form part of the ITC not available as per Form GSTR-2B.

Accordingly, the registered person required to identify ineligible ITC to arrive at the Net ITC available and the registered person used to report such ineligible ITC under table 4(D)(1) of GSTR-3B.

Nevertheless, from now onwards, the ineligible ITC as per Sec.17(5) shall essentially  be included in the  sub parts Table 4(A) of GSTR-3B and then it shall be reversed under Part B(1) of table 4 of GSTR-3B.

> Now the registered taxpayer report reversal of Input Tax Credit (ITC) as per Sec.17(5) of the CGST Act,2017,which are absolute in nature and are not reclaimable, such as on account of Rule 38 of CGST ,they are:-

> Reversal of credit by banking companies , or

> A financial institution.

> On account of Rule 42 of CGST Rules “Reversal on input and input services on account of supply exempted goods or services,

> On account of Rule 43 of CGST Rules “ Reversal on Capital Goods on account of supply of exempted goods or services,

New Form GSTR-3B amendments as per Circular No.170-02-2022-GST

The above ineligible ITC values are reported in table 4(B) 1 of Form GSTR-3B.

Alternatively, Registered taxpayer will report of ITC which are not permanent in nature and can be reclaimed in future subject to fulfillment of specific conditions, such as on account of Rule 37 of CGST Rules i.e. non-payment of consideration to supplier within 180 days , Sec.16(2)(b) and Sec.16(2)(c) of the CGST Act in table 4(B) (2) of Form GSTR-3B. Such Input Tax Credit may be reclaimed in table 4(A)(5) on fulfillment of necessary conditions. Additionally, all such reclaimed Input Tax Credit (ITC) shall also be reported in table 4(D)(1),table 4(B)(2) may also be used by registered taxpayer for reversal of any Input Tax Credit (ITC) availed in table 4(A) in previous tax periods because of some inadvertent mistake.

6.1.Payment of Tax.

Description Tax payable            Paid through ITC Tax paid TDS/TCS Tax /Cess paid in cash Interest Late fee
IGST Tax —- —- —– —- —– —- —-
CGST Tax —– —- —– —– —- —– —– —- —-
SGST/UT Tax —– —- —– —– —- —– —- —–
Cess —– —– —– —— —– —- —-

The taxpayers final tax payable on taxable supplies which will match with table 3.1.(a).  The amount is separately reported under IGST,CGST,SGST and UTGST, and also report the credit which is availed against these, this amount is under 4(C ). The taxpayer must deposit the balance tax and this appears in Colum 8. If any interest or Late fee deposited should also be reported.

6.2. TDS/TCS Credit:

TDS —— ——- ———
TCS —— ——- ———

Note: In current scenario there is no TDS/TCS reporting or collecting at present . These columns are hence not applicable . Now onwards you have to fill the details of TDS and TCS in the above box.


I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the information given here in above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed there from.

Important points  to be remember:

(i).These amendments to Form GSTR-3B will be coming into force: The amendments in Form GSTR-3B have done vide Notification No.14/2022-Central Tax,dated.05.07.2022. Hence, there arises confusion among the taxpayers as to form date such changes shall be applicable. As the date of notification is 05.07.2022, then the return for the month of June,2022, for which the due date  to be  filed is on 20th of July,2022, shall be filed as per the amended Form GSTR-3B.

(ii). Auto-population of Input Tax Credit (ITC) in Form GSTR-3B on the basis of Form GSTR-2B is not in compliances with Law: It has been mentioned in the above  circular that the Input Tax Credit (ITC) gets auto-populated in Form GSTR-3B on the basis of Input Tax Credit (ITC) reflecting in Form GSTR-2B. This auto-populated Input Tax Credit (ITC) shall include the Input Tax Credit (ITC) on domestic inward supplies, import of goods, RCM supplies received from registered suppliers, ISD etc., whereas, the section 16(2)(aa) of the CGST Act,2017, only refers to the reflection of Input Tax Credit (ITC) on inward supplies in Form GSTR-2B, the details of which are required to be uploaded in the statement of outward supplies.

(iii). Record-keeping of ineligible Input Tax Credit (ITC) separately in the books of accounts: The taxpayers prepare books of accounts, need to make  entries to be passed taking care about ineligible Input Tax Credit (ITC) as per the provisions of Sec.17(5) of CGST Act,2017. While passing the entries of inward supplies into books of accounts, Input Tax Credit (ITC) must be bifurcated into eligible Input Tax Credit (ITC) and Non-eligible Input Tax Credit (ITC) ,so that ineligible Input Tax Credit (ITC) can be reversed from table 4(B)(1) of GSTR-3B after including ineligible Input Tax Credit (ITC) in sub-parts of table 4(A)of Form GSTR-3B.

(vi). Input Tax Credit (ITC) which was reversed earlier under Other Reversal of table 4(B)(2)of Form GSTR-3B which is being reclaimed need to be separately reported: The taxpayers will be furnishing the details of Input Tax Credit (ITC) which was reversed earlier under Other Reversal of table 4(B)(2) of Form GSTR-3B which is being reclaimed, to be submitted at the time of audit by the GST officers.

(v). Input Tax Credit(ITC) in transit (Goods in Transit) need to be separately disclosed in Form GSTR-3B: The taxpayer need to disclose the Input Tax Credit (ITC) on “Goods in Transit” is auto-populated in Form GSTR-3B, even so, Input Tax Credit (ITC) on such goods cannot be availed by the taxpayer as the conditions for taking Input Tax Credit (ITC) as per Sec.16(2) of the CGST Act,2017, does not meet in such cases due to non-receipt of goods, the taxpayer is required to reverse such Input Tax Credit (ITC) from such Other Reversals as per table 4(B)(2) of the Form GSTR-3B. Accordingly, the taxpayers need to examine such Goods in Transit (GIT) each month for the purpose of reversal and reclaim once such goods received by the taxpayer.

(vi). The taxpayer disclose more in Form GSTR-3B: The taxpayer while recording the inward supplies in the books of accounts , Input Tax Credit (ITC) need to bifurcated into Input Tax Credit (ITC) which is not eligible as per Sec.16(4) of CGST Act,2017, and Input Tax Credit (ITC) which is not eligible as per the provisions relating to place of supply under GST Act as these Input Tax Credit (ITC), right now need to be separately mentioned in Form GSTR-3B.

(vii). Restore of accounting system in order to comply with the amendments is required: The taxpayer restore of accounting system in order to comply with the amendments is required  to comply with the amended Form GSTR-3B, the taxpayers need to make the changes in their books of accounts or computer accounting software systems to get the bifurcation of Input Tax Credit(ITC) as per Sec.17(5), Sec.16(4) of the CGST Act, 2017. Nevertheless, if the amended Form GSTR-3B is applicable to the return for the month of June’2022, then in such case, as on today , the taxpayers has not made the applicable changes in its books of accounts or accounting software system which could lead to difficulty for the taxpayer at the time of filling of Form GSTR-3B for the month of June’2022.

After these amendments to Form GSTR-3B lead additional efforts for the taxpayers and the taxpayer need to be more cautious for the values to be reported. On the other hand, the above amendments will open the doors of more litigation between the taxpayers and the GST authorities, as there could be more notice and demand from the authorities due to any mis-reporting in Form GSTR-3B and the taxpayer need to make more reconciliation for the purpose of reporting in Form GSTR-3B, which is against ease of compliance under GST and the easy of doing business for the taxpayers.

Analogy of Table 4 of Form GSTR-3B:

Prior to amendment Post amendment
(A) ITC available (whether in full or Part) (A) ITC Available (whether in full or Part)
(1) Import of goods (1) Import of goods No Modification
(2) Import of services (2) Import of services No Modification
(3) Inward supplies liable to RCM (other than 1&2 above) (3) Inward supplies liable to RCM (other than 1&2 above) No Modification
(4) Inward supply from ISD (4) Inward supply from ISD No Modification
(5) All other ITC (5) All other ITC No Modification
(B) ITC Reversed (B) ITC Reversed
(1) As per rules 42 &43 of CGST Rules (1) As per rules 38,42 and 43 of CGST Rules Operational impact with  modifications made to Table 4(B)(1),(2), 4(C),4(D)(1),(2)
(2) Others (2) Others
(C ) Net ITC (Available (A)-(B) (C ) Net ITC (Available (A)-(B)
(D) Ineligible ITC (D) Other details
(1) As per Sec.17(5) of CGST Act,2017 (1) ITC reclaimed which was reversed under table 4(B)(2) in earlier tax period
(2) Others (2) Ineligible ITC under section 16(4) and ITC restricted due to POS provisions

Operational impact with modifications made to Table 4(B)(1),(2), 4(C),4(D)(1),(2) of Form GSTR-3B:

(i) Presently, many taxpayers have been recording Input Tax Credit (ITC) on the eligible inward supply only in their Input Tax Credit (ITC ) Ledger including where Input Tax Credit (ITC) is required to be reversed in the following scenario.

(a) Where Input Tax Credit (ITC) is required to be reversed on account of common inward supply used for taxable as well as exempt outward supply in terms of Rule 42 & 43 , or

(b). Reversal & Reclaim of Input Tax Credit in case of non-payment of consideration to vendors within 180 days from the date of invoice, or

(c). Any reversal on account of earlier wrong availment & utilization of Input Tax Credit (ITC).

(ii) In respect of Input Tax Credit (ITC) on inward supplies covered under Sec.17(5) of CGST Act,2017, taxpayers are not recording the same & transfer such input tax credit (ITC) directly to the Profit & Loss Account.

(iii) Further, at the time of availing Input Tax Credit (ITC) in Form GSTR-3B, reconciliation is done between the Static ITC statement in Form GSTR-2B vs Input Tax Credit (ITC) recorded in books of accounts as per the above stated manner.

(iv) After such reconciliation & subject to other provisions of Sec.16 &17 of the CGST Act,2017read with Rules made thereunder , the credit will be reported in the respective fields of table 4 of Form GSTR-3B.

(v) However, considering the fact that declaration of ineligible Input Tax Credit (ITC) as per Sec.17(5) in table 4(D)(1) was just informative in nature and further direct expenses out treatment given to such credit in books of account, many taxpayers were not reporting the amount of ineligible Input Tax Credit (ITC) as per Sec.17(5)of CGST Act,2017, in Form GSTR-3B.

(vi) After the amendment in table 4(8) of Form GSTR-3B , it has been clarified that all Input Tax Credit (ITC) as available in Form GSTR-2B including Input Tax Credit (ITC) ineligible in terms of sec.17(5) ,Rule 38,42 and 43 of the CGST Rules and re-availed Input Tax Credit (ITC) (earlier reversed due to ineligibility as per sec.16(2)(c ) &(d) and Rule 37 ) needs to be taken to table 4(A). Thereafter, ineligible Input Tax Credit (ITC) as per the aforesaid provisions will have to be separately taken to Table 4(B). Accordingly, Net Input Tax Credit (ITC) as per table 4(C ) i.e. (4(A)—4(B))shall only be credited to the electronic credit ledger.

(vii) Thus it is mandatory to record all ineligible Input Tax Credit (ITC) as well, even if it is absolute in nature and not reclaimable, e.g. Ineligible Input Tax Credit (ITC) under rule 38 or sec.17(5) of CGST Act,2017 ,etc.,

(viii) Form GSTR-2B will also auto-categorize Input Tax Credit (ITC) into ineligible Input Tax Credit (ITC) in the following 2cases.

(i) Ineligible Input Tax Credit (ITC) in case of intra-State supply where the location of the recipient is different than the place of supply,

(ii) Ineligible Input Tax Credit (ITC) on time-barred invoices in terms of Sec.16(4),

(ix) Considering the changes in reporting of Input Tax Credit (ITC) in table 4(B) &4 (D) of Form GSTR-3B, every taxpayer needs to revisit their current manner of recording Input Tax Credit (ITC) in books of accounts and make appropriate changes to ensure the availability of correct data for reconciliation with Input Tax Credit (ITC) in Form GSTR-2Band smooth reporting in Form GSTR-3B.


 M/s. ABC manufacturers Limited, New Delhi, is a manufacturer, supplied taxable goods as well as exempted goods, in the month of June,2022 . He has received input goods and input services as detailed in table -1, below. The details of auto-population of Input Tax Credit (ITC) on all inward supplies in various rows of table 4(A) of Form GSTR-3B are shown in column (7) of table -1 below:

S.No Details IGST Rs. CGST RS. SGST Rs. Total Relevant table of GSTR-2B
1 ITC on import of goods 1,00,000 —- —- 1,00,000 Auto-populated in Table-4(A)(1)
2 ITC on import of services    50,000   50,000 ———-
3 ITC on inward supplies under RCM. —— 25,000 25,000  50,000 Auto-populated in Table 4(A)(3)
4 ITC on inward supplies from ISD 50,000 —- —– 50,000 Auto-populated in Table 4(A)(4)
5 ITC on other inward supplies 2,00,000 1,50,000 1,50,000 5,00,000 Auto-populated in Table 4(A)(5)
6 Total 4,00,000 1,75,000 1,75,000 7,50,000  

 Other applicable facts:

(i) On the other inward supplies mentioned in a row (5) M/s. ABC Manufacturer Limited has received goods on which Input Tax Credit (ITC) barred under Sec.17(5) of the CGST Act,2017 having integrated tax Rs.50,000/-,

(ii) In terms of Rules 42 and 43 of the CGST Rules , M/s. ABC Manufacturer Limited is required to reverse ITC of Rs.75,000/- integrated tax (IGST), and Rs.52,000/- CGST tax , Rs.52,000/- SGST tax,

(iii) M/s. ABC Manufacturer Limited had not received the supply during June,2022 in respect of an invoice for an inward supply auto-populated in a row (5) having an IGST tax of Rs.10,000/-,

(iv) M/s. ABC Manufacturer Limited has reversed Input Tax Credit (ITC) of Rs.500/- CGST tax and Rs.500/- SGST tax on account of Rule 37,i.e. where consideration was not paid to the supplier within 180 days,

(v) M/s. ABC Manufacturer Limited has input Tax Credit (ITC) of Rs.5,000/-SGST tax to reclaim on account of Rule 37,

(vi) An amount of Rs.10,000/- SGST tax , ineligible on account of the limitation of time period as describe in section (4) of section 16 of the CGST Act, has not been auto-populated in table 4(A) of Form GSTR-3B from Form GSTR-2B.

 Based on the facts mentioned in Table -1 above,  M/s. ABC is required to a avail ITC after making necessary reversals in Table 4 of FORM GSTR-3B as detailed in Table 2 below:


4.Eligible ITC
Details IGST CGST SGST/UTGST Explanation
(A). ITC Available (whether in full or part ) —— —— ——– ——–
1.Import of Goods 1,00,000 —- —— ———
2.Import of Services    50,000 —– —— ———
3.Inwardsupplies liable to RCM (Other than 1&2 above) ——— 25,000 25,000 ———
4.Inward supplies from ISD  50,000 ——– ———- ————-
5.All other ITC 2,00,000 1,50,000 1,50,000 ———
(B) ITC Reversed/Reduced ———– ——– ———— ———-
1.Reversal of ITC as per rule 42 and 43 of CGST Rules 1,25,000  52,000 52,000 1.Refer para.4.3(B) of circular.

2.Reversal of Rs.75,500/- integrated tax, Rs.52,000/- Central Tax and Rs.52,000/- State Tax under rule 42 and 42 (Note-2)

3. Ineligible ITC of Integrated tax of Rs.50,000/- under sec.17(5) of CGST Act(Note-1)

2.Others   10,000      500      500 1.Refer Para 4.3 (C ) of circular,

2. Reversal of integrated tax of Rs.10,000/- , where supply is not received (Note 3),

3. Reversal of ITC of Rs.500/- Central tax, and Rs.500/- State tax on account of Rule 37 (Note-4)

(C) Net ITC Available(A)-(B) 2,64,500 1,22,500 1,22,500 C=A1+A2+A3+A4+A5-B1-B2.
(D)Ineligible ITC
1.As per Sec.17(5) ——— ———- ———– 1.Refer Para 4.3 (E) of circular

2.Reversals under section 17(5) are not required to be shown in this row. The same are to be shown under 4(B)(1).

2.Others —— 10,000 10,000 1.Refer Para 4.3(F) of circular

2. Ineligible ITC on account of limitation pf time period as delineated in sub-sec.(4) of Sec.16 of the CGST Act, which has not been auto-populated in Table 4(A) of GSTR-3B.

Disclaimer: The contents of this article have been prepared on the basis of Press Release by the GST Council issued on the 28’th & 29’th, June’2022 and Notification No.14/2022-Central Tax,dated.05.07.2022 and Circular No. 170/02/2022-GST dated.06.07.2022 issued by the CBIC. Although care has been taken to ensure the accuracy, completeness and reliability of the information available, the author assumes no liability.  Therefore, users of this information are expected to refer the relevant law, the information as given in no case shall be constructed as a professional advice or opinion.


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