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Department of Sales Tax, Government of Maharashtra


Q 1. : What is Audit Report in Form 704?

Ans : It is a report under section 61 of MVAT ACT, 2002 to be submitted by eligible dealer within 10 months of the end of a particular financial year.

Q 2. Who signs the Audit Report?

Ans : A Chartered Accountant or a member of Institute of Cost and Works Accountants (I.C.W.A.).

Q 3. : Who should file Audit Report in Form 704?

Ans: Dealers whose turnover of sales or purchases, as the case may be, exceeds forty lakh rupees in any year and the dealers or persons who holds licence in

i. Form P.L.L. under the Maharashtra Distillation of Spirit and Manufacture of Potable Liquor Rules, 1966,

ii. Form B-RL under the Maharashtra Manufacture of Beer and Wine Rules, 1966,

iii. Form E under the Special Permits and Licence Rules, 1952,

iv. Forms FL-I, FL-II, FL-III, FL-IV under the Bombay Foreign Liquor Rules, 1953,v. Forms CL-I, CL-II, CL-III, CL/FL/TOD-III under the Maharashtra Country Liquors Rules, 1973

Q 4. : What is the structure of Form 704 ?

Ans. : This Audit report in Form 704 is divided in three parts, as under:-

Sr. No. Audit Report Related to
1 Part 1 Verification and certification, computation of tax liability and recommendations to the dealer.
2 Part 2 General information about the dealer under audit.
3 Part 3 various Schedules and Annexure

Q 5.: Are there any sub parts in Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3?

Ans : Part 1 & Part 2 contains no sub parts .Part 3 contains six schedules viz. Schedule I to Schedule VI and thirteen Annexure as follows,

1. Annexure A
2. Annexure B
3. Annexure C
4. Annexure D
5. Annexure E
6. Annexure F
7. Annexure G
8. Annexure H
9. Annexure I
10. Annexure J Section 1
11. Annexure J Section 2
12. Annexure J Section 3
13. Annexure J Section 4
14. Annexure J Section 5
15. Annexure J Section 6
16. Annexure K

Q 6.: Is there any correlation between Schedules / Annexure and Returns?

Ans: Yes. Relevant Schedules applicable, as per type of return are as follows.

Type of Return filed Relevant Schedule
Form 231 Schedule I
Form 232 Schedule II
Form 233 Schedule III
Form 234 Schedule IV
Form 235 Schedule V
Form III E (CST) Schedule VI
Dealer filing different types of returns (as mentioned in Sr. No.1 to 5 above) Different combinations of Schedules as applicable depending upon the types of returns filed Schedules as applicable depending upon the types of returns filed

Q 7.: How to file audit report in Form 704 for the period 01 .04.09 to 31.03.10 ?

Ans : It is mandatory to electronically upload the Audit Report in form 704 for all the periods starting from 01.04.08.Thus audit Report for the period 01.04.09 to 31.03.10 should be uploaded electronically on or before 31.01.2011 .,on the web site of the Department.

Q 8.: What is electronic Form 704?

Ans : It is a prescribed form of Audit Report in electronic format.

Q 9.; Where is it available?

Ans: It is available on the Department’s downloaded. web-site i.e. www.mahavat.gov.in from where it is to be downloaded.

Q 10: How to file Form 704 electronically ?

Ans: Filing of e 704 is a three step process.,

1. Downloading of the e-704 template available on the Departments Web-site i.e. www.mahavat.gov.in

2. Filling up the form e-704 offline

3. Uploading of the error free form e-704 on the web www.mahavat.gov.in

Q 11: Is there any sequence to file the Parts, Schedules and Annexure in e-704?

Ans: It is advised to fill first the Annexure A to K then, Schedules I to VI and then, Part II and then Part I.Most of the fields of Part I are auto filled once the Annexure and the Schedules are filled. Please note that Annexure G is deleted.

Q 12: Is it mandatory to fill all the parts, schedules & annexure ?

Ans : It is mandatory to fill Part I , Part II and the applicable Schedules and Annexure.

Q 13: How to select applicable Schedule?

Ans: An option is available at the top right hand corner of each Schedule to choose whether it is applicable. The option is named as “Applicable” and allows option to select “Yes or No”. It is mandatory to select “Yes” in case of applicable Schedule and “No” in case of non applicable Schedules. Once a dealer selects the option “No” then he shall not enter any information in the Schedules for which the option selected is “No”.

Q 14: What is indicated by Green cells in Form e-704 ?

Ans: The green fields are non enterable. The green fields have been given formulas and are auto filled.

Q 15: What is indicated by grey/shaded cells in Form e-704 ?

Ans: The grey fields are blocked and are non enterable.

Q 16: Is it necessary to fill “0” or “NA” in each and every field in the Annexure which are not applicable?

Ans: No. The Annexure which are not applicable should be left blank.

Q 17: What is Annexture –A ?

Ans: In Annexure-A , details of amount of tax paid as per returns /chalan under MVAT Act and interest paid u/s 3 0(2) are to be filled. The details of Refund Adjustment Order issued and amount adjusted against the tax payable for the period under Audit are also to be filled in this annexure.

Q 18: What is Annexture –B ?

Ans: In Annexure-B , details of amount of tax paid as per returns /chalan and interest paid under section 9(2A) CST Act are to be filled. The details of Refund Adjustment Order issued and amount adjusted against the tax payable for the period under Audit are also to be filled in this annexure.

Q 19: How the entry is made in Annexture-A and Annexture-B when payment for whole year or period more than the applicable return period is made in single challan?

Ans: Tax paid with challan is to be co related with return period. Split the challan amount to different return periods in applicable cases.

Q 20: Is interest on late payment is calculated automatically in Annexture-A and Annexture-B ?

Ans: Yes, it calculated automatically in Green Cells.

Q 21: What is Annexture –C?

Ans: In Annexure-C details of TDS certificates received are to be filled.

Q 22: What is Annexture –D ?

Ans: In Annexure-D details of TDS certificates issued are to be filled.

Q 23: What is Annexture –E ?

Ans: In Annexure-E details of purchases on which the set-off is claimed by the dealer are to be filled. The details regarding set-off on capital assets, non admissibility of set-off under Rule 54, reduction of set-off under Rule 53 etc are to be filled in this annexure.

Q 24: What is Annexture –F?

Ans: In Annexure-F various financial ratios for the period under audit and other information are to be filled in. If a dealer has multi State activities, then the ratios related to gross and net profit may be given for entire business entity and other ratios should be given for within the State activities.

Q 24 (A): What is Annexture –G?

In Annexure G details about Declarations or Certificates Received under the CST Act is to be filled. TIN of the customer should be filled in all the cases.Details of Local H forms received should be given in Annexure G.

Q 25:What is Annexture –I ?

Ans: In Annexure I details about wanting declarations under the C.S.T.Act, 1956 is to be filled. TIN of the customer should be filled in all the cases. Please note that the rate of tax in column 9 should be entered in digits only, without % sign.

Q 26: Is there any linkage between Annexure H and Annexture I with Part-I ?

Ans: The tax liability as per Annexure H and Annexure I, if any, gets reflected in figure as per Audit in row (xiv) of Table No.-2 and row (xi) of Table-3, Para-4 of Part-1.

Q 27: What is Annexture –J ?

Ans: In Annexure-J dealer-wise information of sales and purchases during the period under Audit is to be filled. It consists of four Sections. Section 1 is for filling in the information of ‘Customer wise sales’. Section 2 is for filling in the information of ‘Supplier wise purchases’. Section 3 is for filling in the information of ‘Customer wise Debit notes and Credit Notes’. Section 4 is for filling in the information of ‘Supplier wise Debit notes and Credit Notes’. In Section 3 figures with minus sign should be used in case of credit notes and in Section 4 figures with minus sign should be used in case of debit notes. Section 5 is for filling the information of Customer wise transactions of Direct Exports and High Seas Sale under the CST Act, 1956. Section 6 is for filling in the information of Supplier wise transactions under the CST Act, 1956.

Q 28: Where to show sales on which no tax is collected separately in Annexure J ?

Ans: It should be entered in Row 9 in Annexure J_ Sec 1 where space is provided for other local taxable sales.

Q 29: Where does the dealer put the customer-wise VAT sales if the number of customers are more than 999 ?

Ans: The customer wise sales are to be filled in descending order.If there are more than 999 customers then enter the total of all the remaining customer wise sales in 1000th Row as Remaining transaction total.

Q 30 : Where does a dealer put his purchases on which no tax is paid separately in Annexture J?

Ans: It should be put in Row 9 in Annexure J_ Sec 2 where space is provided for other local taxable purchases.

Q 31: Where does the dealer put the supplier-wise VAT purchases if number of suppliers are more than 999.

Ans: The supplier wise purchases are to be filled in descending order. If there are more than 999 suppliers then enter the total of all remaining supplier wise purchases in 1000th Row as Remaining transaction total.

Q 32: What is Annexure –K ?

Ans: Annexure-K is provided for writing the details of determination of Gross Turnover of Sales and Purchases. The reconciliation with Profit and Loss Account, Trial Balance / Sales and Purchase register should also be mentioned here.

Q 33: What is the treatment to the dealer having multi-state activities?

Ans: If the dealer has multi-state activities then Trial Balance in relation to the business Activities in Maharashtra should be attached. Wherever prescribed documents are not made available to the auditor or same are insufficient and incomplete then the tax liability is to be computed as per the provisions of law

Q 34: In Schedule III, how should the dealer take credit of TDS certificates received as per Annexture C ?

Ans : Enter amount of Tax Deducted at source in box 9(f) at Row 115 in Schedule III by specifying it in the corresponding cell.

Q 35: Is it necessary to fill entire row in applicable Schedules and Annexure ?

Ans: In all the Schedules and Annexure it is mandatory to fill applicable rows completely i.e. if one cell in a row is filled then it is mandatory to fill all the cells in that row.

Q 36: What is the last date of tax payment required to be filled in column D of Annexure A and B.

Ans: Due date of tax payment is 21 days from the end of the return period (excepting the due dates those fall on holidays). Take due care while filling in column D of Annexure A and B.

Q 37 : Is it necessary to fill Para-1(A), Para-1(B) and 1(C) in Part-I ?

Ans: If the books of accounts are audited under the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 then Part 1 A shall be filled. Auditor should obtain the certified Financial Statement and should strike off certification under Para-1(B) and 1(C) in Part-1. In case books of account are audited under any other Act but not under the Income Tax Act, 1961 then the Auditor should obtain the certified Financial Statement audited under that Act and should strike off certification under Para 1(A) and 1(C). In other cases the Auditor should obtain Financial Statement duly certified by the dealer and should strike of Para 1(A) and 1(B) in Part-1.

Q 38 : What is to be written in Sr No a to p, in Para-3 of Part-1 ?

Ans: Negative certification by the Auditor, if any is to be incorporated with reasons, at Sr No a to p, in Para-3 of Part-1 and should correspond to the relevant certificates which are mentioned at 2(B)(a) to 2(B)(p) of Part 1. Further, the auditor’s remarks are to be included at Para 5 of Part-1 and qualifications having the impact on the tax liability in brief, wherever applicable.

Q 39 : What is Activity Code ?

Ans: The Activity Codes are generally used to classify the commodities on the lines of the economic activities. It is published by International Standard Industries Classification. The same activity codes are adopted by the National Industrial Classification. These Activity codes are to be used to fill up the information in Part-2 Table 3.

Q 40: Where can I get Activity code of my business?

Ans: The Activity Codes are available at the Departments Web-site i.e. www.mahavat.gov.in

Q 41: Where can I refer my queries as regards Activity Codes?

Ans: Refer your queries in respect of “Activity Codes” to activitycodes@mahavat.gov.in .

Please refer Trade Circular 38 T of 2009 for details.

Q 42 : While auditing the books of accounts, should the auditor correlate records under Central Excise Act, 1944, the Customs Act, 1962 or under the State Excise Act with records under MVAT Act,2002?

Ans: Where dealer is required to maintain the records about the sales, purchases, Imports and Exports under Central Excise Act, 1944, the Customs Act, 1962 or under the State Excise Act in such cases the Auditor should invariably correlate the details of sales, purchases, Imports and Exports disclosed under the said Acts and disclosed under MVAT Act, 2002. Any material difference noticed should be reported at Para 5 of Part-1 accordingly.

Q 43: Is it mandatory for the Auditor to visit the principal place of business and the place where major business activities are carried out before the date of furnishing of Audit Report to the dealer?

Ans: It is mandatory to visit the principal place of business and the place where major business activities are carried out before the date of furnishing of Audit Report to the dealer.

Q 44: Is it necessary to specify the description wherever the words “Please Specify” appear in the form?

Ans: Yes. Wherever the words “Please Specify” appear it is necessary to specify the description. For example, in Part I, Cells C 84, C86 of Table 2; C 106 of Table 3 and B 131,B 132 of Table 5, it is necessary to mention the description if figures are filled in the corresponding cells or otherwise to type NA.

Q 45: The description in Part 1 -2 (B) (b) mentions “Score out whichever is not applicable”. How is it to be score out in case of electronic Form 704?

Ans: This instruction is to be read in terms of physical submission of Part I.

Q 46: What are the general instructions?

Ans: i) Do not “Cut” and “Paste” data in any cell of the template

ii) Use the template which is available on the web site www.mahavat.gov.in

iii) Do not key in data in the cells where options are to be selected from drop down menu

Q 47: How the Annexure can be validated?

Ans: In case of Annexure, after pressing the button for validation only one error appears at a time. After correcting the same, next error appears. Errors in Annexure can be avoided if the rows in which information is filled are completely filled. Do not left any row blank, in between.

Q 48: How to validate the form e 704?

Ans: After entering information in applicable Annexure and Schedules “ Validate” button should be pressed. If there are any errors of arithmetical accuracy and data entry an Error Sheet is generated. After the validation button is pressed, the error sheet shows only the errors in that particular sheet. After pressing the validation button in Part I , Errors in entire form are shown .

The corrections are to be carried out till the entire form becomes error free.

Q 49: When the Form e 704 is ready for uploading ?

Ans : After successfully validating the Part 1 ,a Rem.txt file will be generated and get saved on Drive ‘C’. The dealer may upload this file after logging on to www.mahavat.gov.in under his login Id and Password for e-Services.

Q 50: How the acknowledgement is generated?

Ans: An Acknowledgment will be generated in case of successful uploading of Audit Report. It will show the Transaction Id and Date of uploading along with some other fields.

Q 51 : When the process of filing of Form-704 is said to be completed?

Ans: Unless the dealer submits signed Acknowledgment along with required attachments, on or before 10 February 2011, the audit Report even if electronically uploaded on or before 31 January 2011, shall not be deemed to be filed.

Q 52 : What documents are required to be submitted physically ?

Ans : Following documents are to be submitted physically alongwith “ Statement of Submission of Audit Report in Form 704 “ (Format of the Statement is given in Trade Circular 27 T of 2009 & it is also available in the link of e 704 on the web www.mahavat.gov.in )

1. Acknowledgement of having uploaded e704

2. Letter of Submission

3. Part I of the Audit Report uploaded (i. e. in excel sheet ). Part I in other format will not be accepted.

4. Enclosures, clicked YES in Part I. Please refer Trade Circular 27 T of 2009 for details.

Q 53: Who should sign the Acknowledgment to be submitted?

Ans : The dealer as well as the Auditor (Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant ).

Q 54: Where the physical copy of the Acknowledgment, Part 1 and other enclosures should be submitted?

Ans : The dealer is required to submit the physical copies to the Deputy Commissioner, Desk Audit Cell in case of Mumbai and in case of places other than Mumbai, to the Office of The Joint Commissioner of Sales Tax, VAT(ADM).

Q 55 : Where to contact in case of difficulties ?

Ans. : Liasion Officers have been appointed at each of the office location to provide help in case of difficulties as regards electronic filing of e 704.

List of such Liasion Officers is already displayed on the web www.mahavat.gov.in.

Q 56: Is there any e mail id for reporting queries relevant to e 704?

Ans: Your queries in respect of e 704 may be mailed to e704help@gmail.com

Q 57 : My Audit Form-704 is uploaded , but I was unable to take printout of the Acknowledgement . What to do now?

Ans : The copy of acknowledgement can be viewed in ‘Dealer’s Info’ account accessible to the dealer through his Login Id and Password on www.mahavat.gov.in.

Q 58 : Is it necessary to use only new form available on website after 1st January ? Can I use old Form which is already filled up by me?

Ans : No, you can not use old Form. You should use the template available on the net as on the date of filing.

Q 59: What is to be done if Ratio of Gross turnover of sales to Gross Receipt is above 100 and value above 100 is not accepted ?

Ans : Though ratio is above 100 for this information, enter the same as 100 in the respective columns & mention exact ratio in column ‘Method of computation & Observations, if any ’.

Q 60 : Is there any provision to revise Audit Report in Form 704 uploaded?

Ans : No. There is no provision to revise Audit Report in Form 704 in MVAT ACT 2002.

Q 61 : Even though Dealer was not eligible to file VAT Audit Report for the previous year is it mandatory to mention Previous Year’s Ratios in Annex – F ?

Ans : Yes.

Q 62 : Is it necessary to fill Annexure J Sec_2 in case of Composition dealers particularly the retailers ?

Ans : In Annexure J Sec_2 , details of supplier wise vat purchases are required to be furnished by the dealer.

Q 63 : While validating part I, The error message shown is for line No. 55 to 70 (Reason for certification not entered). I have not filled any detail in 55 to 70 since there is no negative certificates to be given.

Ans : Pls. write “N.A.” i.e ‘Not Applicable’ in line No. 55 to 70 (Reason for certification) & then validate.

Q 64 : Form is validated & Rem.txt file is generated . Now while uploading, error as below is shown – ‘MODIFICATION ARE NOT SAVED, rem FILE NOT UPDATED.’ OR other errors related to VB or Oracle.

Ans. : Download current template of the form and try uploading the same. In case problem persists then send your form e 704 in excel format alongwith rem file and error report, to e704help@gmail.com

Q 65 : Form is validated & Rem.txt file is generated . Now while uploading , error as below is shown – ‘ Start Routine null’.

Ans. : It seems that dealer used ‘ alt + Enter ’ keys while entering name of the dealer in cell ‘ C 8 ’ of Part I, or in cell ‘ C 18’, ‘C 49’, ‘C 80’ of Sch I or in similar cells in other Schedules. This changes formatting of the sheet creating uploading error. Avoid using ‘ alt + Enter ’ keys.

Q 66 : How to show taxable turnover of sales in Sch. II for retailers having composition ,if Turnover of sales during one return period is less than Turnover of purchases ?

Ans.: In such a case, in Row 14 ,the dealer should enter total of (sales of the Return period where Turnover of sales is less than Turnover of purchase + purchase of other Return period where Turnover purchase are less than turnover of sales)

Eg. Sale Purchase
In first six months 100000 90000
Second six month 120000 150000

In such case enter :

GTO of sales 220000

Amount in line 14 210000 ( sales of the Return period where Turnover of sales is less than Turnover of purchase i.e.120000/- + purchases of other Return period where Turnover purchases is less than turnover of sales i.e. 90000/-)

Net on which composition is payable 10000

Q 67 : In transaction u/s 6(2) under the CST Act , I have received declaration in Form-C but not received declaration in Form-E1/ E2 for the same transaction. Now, in Annexure I, which details are to be written ?

Ans: In this situation, select Form-E1/E2 in column 4, write details pertaining to purchases in column 1 to 3, write details of sales in the column no. 5, 6, 7 & 8 and write rate of tax under CST Act or MVAT Act as applicable in column 9.

Q 68 : In transaction u/s 6(2) under the CST Act, I have received declaration in Form-E1/E2 but not received declaration in Form-C for the same transaction. Now, in Annexure I, which details are to be written?

Ans: In this situation, write details of sales in the entire row and in column 9, write rate of tax under CST Act or MVAT Act as applicable.

Q 69 : In transaction u/s 6(2) under the CST Act, I have not received declaration in Form – C & E1/E2 of the transaction. Now, in Annexure I, which details are to be written?

Ans: Enter transaction related to Form E1/E2 in one row and corresponding transaction related o Form ‘C’ in the immediate row below as follows. Select Form-C in column 4, enter details of sales in the entire row and in column 9, write rate of tax under CST Act or MVAT Act as applicable. In the row just below, enter details of form E1/E2. Select Form-E1/E2 in column 4, write details pertaining to purchases in column 1 to 3, write details of sales in column 5 & 6, and put zero in column 7 to 9.

Q 70: Where should we enter amount of Interest paid on MVat Payment as shown in Annexure A, because in line 87 of part I, interest amount is not included?

Ans: You please enter amount of interest paid as per Annexure A, in Line No. 89 of Part I, i. e. Any Other as Interest Paid on MVat as per Annexure A.

Q 71: I am getting error message while uploading form e704, as –


Sr. No. Line Number Sheet Error Description
1 1907585 transaction Error in Insert in insF704_PARTI_GENERAL ORA-00001: nique constraint (EFORM704.PART1_PK1) violated

Ans: Your form 704 is already uploaded. Please check ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS section after Log In on mahavat site.

Q 72: I am getting error of Annexure J1 while Uploading of Form e704. Form is getting validated and txt file is generated. But form e704 is not uploaded on website –


No. Line Number Sheet Error Description
1 5010 ANNE-J-Sec1 Incorrect Total net taxable amount 2690319070, 2690319049
2 5010 ANNE-J-Sec1 Incorrect Total VAT amount 300552223, 300552213

Ans : Error is Due to, some of figures in Annexure J1 are in Decimals. Enter whole numbers only, without copy paste. Same applies to Annexure J2 also, if error Sheet No is – ANNE-J-Sec2.

Q 73: While filing 704 Vat Audit form e 704, Annexure -G showing error of state code of Andhra Pradesh. As per declaration form TIN is starting with 28.

Ans : Andhra Pradesh was divided in 2 States in year 2014, namely – Telangana ( TIN Starting with 36) and Andhra Pradesh ( TIN Starting with 37). Hence, in case of Andhra Pradesh, in Annexure G, State should be selected as follows –

  1. For TIN starting with 28 – United Andhra Pradesh
  2. For TIN starting with 37 – Andhra Pradesh

Q 74: Is it compulsory to fill Annexure J1 & Annexure J2 in form 704 of FY 2014-15, as I have already filed Regular e Return Annexures with Returns for period 01-04-2015 to 31-03-2015, as per Return Periodicity?

Ans : Yes. Of Course, all applicable Schedules and applicable Annexures are compulsory. If Dealer has effected Local Taxable Sales and Local RD Purchases, then form e -704 will not be validated and will not be uploaded, unless Annexure J1 and J2 are properly filled.

Q 75: In Annexure J1, where we have one customer for only sales return within six month & amount put as negative in Annexure J1, details as follow –

27040707638 V -17440 -872

But at the time of Validation of Form 704, following error found in Error Sheet–

Annexure J Sec1 25 25 VAT Amount is greater than Net Taxable amount

Please help us in the same.

Ans : Please note that negative figures will not be accepted in Form e704 – Annexure J1 or J2. You need not to put negative figures in J1 / J2. You may claim as Goods return in respective Schedule and accordingly reduce the Tax Payable. You May give your detailed remarks in Part 1 Line No 143.

Q 76: What is the Last date of uploading of form e 704 for FY 2014-15 ? What documents should be submitted to the department?

Ans : Please go through Trade Circular 17 T of 2015 dated 07.11.2015 and provisions under rule 66 of MVAT Rules, 2005. For FY 2014-15, last date of e filing of Form 704 is 15th January, 2016. After uploading their audit reports for the period 2014-15, the dealers shall submit the following documents:

i. The Statement of submission of Audit Report in the format given in the Notification No: VAT/AMD – 2013/1B/ADM – 8 dated 23rd August 2013. The Statement of submission should be duly certified with signature, stamp, seal of the dealer with date, and

ii. The copy of Acknowledgement generated after uploading of Audit Report in Form-704, duly certified with signature, stamp, seal of the dealer and Auditor, with date.

Last date for submission of above documents (of FY 2014-15) to the Department is 25th January, 2016.

Q77. I am getting error message while uploading form e704, as –

Error in Insert in ins_F704_LETT_SUBMISSION RoutineORA-01722: invalid number

Ans : Please remove Transaction Id entered in Letter of Submission as – ST-REQ OR Transaction Id written in number. Do not write anything in that cell and keep that cell blank. Transaction Id is only generated after successful uploading of form 704.

Q 78. In Part 1, in line number 86 (Set off Claimed) amount is appearing as ZERO, although I had filled applicable Schedule and Annexure J2 correctly and completely.

Ans : You have not filled form 704 completely. Please note that, in Part 1, set off figures are automatically picked up from Annexure E. You have not filled Annexure E, hence, figure in Part 1 is appearing as ZERO. Unless you completely fill up Annexure E – section 1 to section 6, set off figures will not appear in Part 1.

Q79. In Annexure J1 / J2 TIN has become RED, I have checked TIN on mahavat site. It is correct TIN. What is the solution?

Ans :

i. TINs with 27xx52 i.e 5th and 6th digit is 52, it will become RED but will surely get uploaded.

ii. If Space is given after V, then also TIN becomes RED and form 704 will not be validated. Remove space after V.

Q80. There is error as “State code and Tin First two digits not matching” of Annexure G for following States –

Sr No State State Code
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 35
2 Chhattisgarh 22
3 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 26
4 Daman & Diu 25
5 Jammu & Kashmir 01
6 Lakshadweep 31

Though State Codes are correct. What is the Solution?

Ans : Please download the latest form 704 available on website – www.mahavat.gov.in. You might have downloaded the form 704 before 01.09.2015, hence the form is showing error of State Code.

Q81. While Uploading form 704, I am getting error message as –

e-returns errors


Sr No. Line Number Box Number Error Description
1 2 2 First 4 lines should have one token – Improper Rem file
2 0 0 Improper Rem file -missinf tin or version or from date or tin

Ans : You are erring in selecting proper link for Uploading of rem.txt file of form e 704.

Log in on website of MSTD – http://www.mahavat.gov.in/ by entering TIN and password. A screen will

appear as – Now you can access e-Services for. Click on link – e Audit Form. Click on the “Choose
File” button. A dialog will be displayed, allowing you to select a file. Select the REM file generated from the template ( Form e704) and upload the same by click on the Validate and Upload button.

Q82. Is there any provision for Filing Revise Form 704 (Audit Report) ?

Ans : There is no provision of filing revised Form 704 ( Audit Report) or no provision for rectification of form 704. You may submit your say to the concerned officer, whenever you receive any notice in this regards.

Q83. I have paid Late Fees Rs. 5000 (or Rs. 2000 / 1000 as applicable) for late filing of e Return under MVAT Act, 2002. When I put Rs. 5000 in Annexure A of form e 704, with date of Payment, it automatically calculates interest on that. However, no interest is payable o late fees. What should I do ?

Ans : Late Fees paid for late filing of e Returns is not a Tax Payment. Hence, it should not be entered in Annexure A. You may give remarks about the same in Part 1 line No. 143 to 147 (Qualifications or Remarks).

Q84. I have made Tax Free Sales to Local Dealer in Maharashtra. Whether I should show the Transaction in Annexure J1?

Ans : Transaction of sale of Tax Free Goods does not includes VAT. Hence such transactions should not be given in Annexure J1.

Q85. I have made purchases against form H from Local Dealer in Maharashtra. Whether I should show the Transaction in Annexure J2?

Ans : Transaction of Purchases on Form H from Local Dealer in Maharashtra should not be given in Annexure J2. It should be shown in Annexure J6 and select Transaction Type as – Local Purchases against Form H.

Q86. What is the sequence of filing / uploading of form e704 ?

Ans :

(1) Download Blank form 704 from website – www.mahavat.gov.inDownloads Forms Electronic Forms -e-704

16 Form 704 Audit Report u/s 61-Version 2.0.2

(2) Fill up form e 704 in sequence without COPY and PASTE – First Fill all Applicable Annexures, Then fill applicable Schedules, then Part 2, Part 1 and then mandatory fields in Letter of Submission. Validate each Annexures / Schedules.

(3) Validate Part 1, if there are errors, correct the same and again Validate Part 1.

(4) If form 704 is error free, rem.txt file will be generated and saved in My Documents.

(5) Log in on website – mahavat.gov.in – A new screen will appear – Now you can access e-Services for

Select option / Link ⇒ e-Audit Form

Browse rem.txt File. Click Button – Validate & Upload.

Either Acknowledgment will be generated or error message will be displayed on screen. For

uploading errors, go through the FAQ’s and resolve your querry and then again upload form e704.

(6) MSTD does not recommend Use of any Software, for filing of form e704.

Q77. From where I can get Activity Codes ?

Ans: Activity Codes are available on website www.mahavat.gov.in on link – http://www.mahavat.gov.in/Mahavat/insheets/nic2008_AC_detailed.pdf

Q78. My querry is not solved in the above FAQ. What should I do ?

Ans : You may send e mail to – e704help@gmail.com.

Please elaborate your querry in brief and kindly attach following in the mail –

  1. Form e 704 filled by you.
  2. Screen shot of error.

Kindly mention Your Contact Numbers in the mail, so that, Help Desk can contact you, for any further clarification.


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