Office of The Commissioner of Customs (General)
Mumbai Customs, Zone II, Nhava Sheva
F.No.: S/3-Gen-92/ 2019-20/IN/JNCH
DIN No.: 20210378NW000072297C
Date: 26.03.2021
Subject: Freight forwards/NVOCCs/Consolidators Pending Registration as Other
Notified Carriers (ANC) under SCMTR – reg
Attention of all Port Terminals, Shipping lines, Shipping Agents, Transhippers, Custodians, Freight forwarders, Customs Brokers, Importers, Exporters, and other stakeholders is invited to Sea Cargo Manifest and Transhipment Regulations (hereinafter referred to as SCMTR) notified through Board Notification No 38/2018-Customs dated 11.05.2018 as amended through Notification No 54/2019-Customs dated 01.08.2019, Notification No. 78/2019-Customs dated 31.10.2019 and Notification No.94/2020- Customs dated 30.09.2020. Attention is also invited to JNCH Public Notice No. 16/2021 dated 12.02.2021
2. It is noticed that numerous Console Agents / Freight forwarders / NVOCCs/ Consolidators operating in Nhava Sheva are yet to avail registration under SCMTR as Other Notified Carriers (ANC). As on date 111 such entities are yet to be registered. The list of such entities is enclosed as Annexure-I to this public notice. All the entities listed in Annexure-I are advised to immediately avail registration to ensure smooth flow of operations as they transition to SCMTR regime.
3. All persons such as Freight forwarders, NVOCCs, consolidators or by whatever name they are called, who are party to a Transport Document (viz. Bill of Lading) and issue delivery order may also file their part of cargo declaration directly with Customs as Cargo Summary Notification (CSN) instead of giving it to the vessel operator. Registration as ANC for such persons is pre-requisite under the SCMTR for filing CSN.
4. The registration process under SCMTR is completely online and faceless. The Application needs to be submitted online through ICEGATE Portal.
a) Before SCMTR registration, every user shall have to register at ICEGATE and obtain an ICEGATE ID. The new users are requested to visit, and go through the registration advisory and demo that will assist in registration and obtaining login ID for all the Authorised persons.
b) Application under SCMTR Regulations: Once registered, the users will have to submit the online application within their login to transact under the new regulations. The same application shall also have to be submitted by the existing ICEGATE users.
c) As prescribed in Regulation 3 (1A) of SCMTR, all such entities shall be required to enter into a bond in Form- XI and furnish a bank guarantee, or a postal security or National Saving Certificate or a fixed deposit receipt issued by a Nationalised bank, in the name of the Commissioner of Customs, alongwith Form-I. In terms of amended Board Notification No.94/2020- Customs dated 30.09.2020, the guarantee amount for Surety Bond required for ANC registration has been reduced to Rupees five lakhs from earlier requirement of ten lakhs. Further, as stipulated in the aforesaid notification, the Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) and Customs Brokers licensed under Customs Brokers Licensing Regulations, 2018 are exempted from the requirement of bank guarantee.
d) While there is no need for separate registration for Customs Brokers under SCMTR, many such entities are also engaged as freight forwarders, Console Agents etc. and therefore would require registration as ANC.
5. The associations of all stakeholders who work in close co-ordination with Console Agents / Freight forwarders / NVOCCs/ Consolidators i.e. Association of Multimodal Operator of India (AMTOI), Brihanmumbai Custom Brokers Association (BCBA), Container Freight Station Association of India (CFSAI), Container Shipping Lines Association (CSLA), Freight Forwarders’ Associations in India (FFFAI), Maritime Association Of Nationwide Shipping Agencies (MANSA), etc. are advised to sensitize their members regarding the requirement of registration as ANC under SCMTR.
6. For assistance in registrations as ANC, stakeholders may approach the dedicated Help desk at Nhava Sheva Customs. The following officers would be available to guide and help them in this regard. All queries and replies in this regard may be emailed to
Raguram K, Joint Commissioner
Mob: 7506666789
E mail: .Ragurarn.k
Shankar Kaushik, Supdt. Mob 7666076716 importnoting- jn chggov. in | Binod Kumar, Supdt. 7710808679 | Rishikesh Yadav, Supdt. 9664111250 | Hemant Mangal, Supdt. 9971898886 |
Commissioner of Customs, NS-Gen
Copy to:
1. Chief Commissioner of Customs, Mumbai Zone-II, JNCH
2. Commissioner of Customs, NS-1/NS-II/ NS-I1/ NS-Audit/ NS-V, JNCH
3. Port Terminals, CSLA, MANSA, Transhippers (ATP), CFSAI, CFSs (ACU), BCBA, FFAI, and all other stakeholders
4. All officers in Mumbai Zone II via Website
5. DC/EDI- for uploading on JNCH website