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ITAT Jaipur

Conversion of limited scrutiny to comprehensive scrutiny without prior approval of competent authority is invalid

December 5, 2019 1845 Views 0 comment Print

AO has obtained the necessary approval from the Competent Authority for conversion of the limited scrutiny to comprehensive scrutiny. Accordingly, the issue which is taken up by the AO in the proceedings under section 154 is illegal and void being beyond his jurisdiction to frame the limited scrutiny assessment.

No section 40A(3) disallowance if test of genuineness of transactions satisfied

December 5, 2019 7983 Views 0 comment Print

K.K. Construction Co. Vs. ACIT (ITAT Jaipur) Conclusion: Dis allowance under section 40A(3) could not be made as identity of persons from whom purchases had been made was established; source of cash payments was clearly identifiable in form of withdrawals from assessee’s bank accounts and the said details were submitted before AO, thus, the genuineness […]

Penalty cannot be levied on surmises, conjectures and possibilities

November 29, 2019 1728 Views 0 comment Print

Concealment of particulars of income or furnishing of inaccurate particulars of income by the assessee has to be in the income tax return filed by it. Even if some discrepancies were found during the survey resulting in surrender of income by the assessee, once the assessee has declared the said income in the return of income filed under section 139(1) of the Act, then the penalty cannot be levied on the surmises, conjectures and possibilities that the assessee would not have disclosed the income but for survey.

No section 271(1)(c) penalty for mere discrepancies Found during Survey

November 29, 2019 3942 Views 0 comment Print

Rajendra Shringi Vs DCIT (ITAT Jaipur) The issue under consideration is whether the penalty order passed u/s 271(1)(c) is justified in law? ITAT states that no doubt, the discrepancies were found during the survey. This has yielded income from the assessee in the form of amount surrendered by the assessee. Presently, ITAT are not concerned […]

Mere signing against a particular column of format is nothing but a mechanical approval

November 25, 2019 2025 Views 0 comment Print

Ld. CIT acted mechanically in order to discharge his statutory obligation when he merely wrote on the format Yes, I am satisfied. In the case in hand, the Id. CIT has even not written any affirmative sentence or word but has just signed against the column which was pre-typed Yes.

Section 10AA Deduction allowable on enhanced profits after considering section 69C disallowance

November 4, 2019 3234 Views 0 comment Print

ITAT Jaipur ruling on Amrapali Exports Vs DCIT case. Can deduction u/s 10AA be claimed on enhanced profits after disallowance u/s 69C? Read now.

Rate of Interest is Irrelevant for disallowing interest U/s. 57(iii)

October 29, 2019 1401 Views 0 comment Print

The issue under consideration is whether the interest expense can be disallowed u/s 57(iii) on the ground that rate of interest paid was higher that rate of interest received in own case?

Mere cash Deposit in Bank Account prior to issue of cheque not sufficient to held Loan as non genuine

October 21, 2019 1803 Views 0 comment Print

ITAT states that, once the source of deposit is explained as prior withdrawal from the bank of more than the amount deposited subsequently then the creditworthiness of the creditor and genuineness of the transaction cannot be doubted.

Section 11/12 exemption cannot be denied for discrepancies in Unsecured Loan Verification

October 16, 2019 1479 Views 0 comment Print

The issue under consideration is whether denial of the exemption under section 11/12 due to various discrepancies found in verification of unsecured loans is justified in law?

Reopening of assessment for non-existent and factually incorrect reasons was invalid

October 10, 2019 2991 Views 0 comment Print

Shri Ram Mohan Rawat Vs ITO (ITAT Jaipur) Reasons recorded by the AO for formation of belief that income assessable to tax has escaped assessment are based on two counts. One, the assessee has made bogus purchases and the second, that the purchases are not verifiable as the as the  assessee has not filed the […]

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