New Delhi, the 11th May, 2023
F. No. STD/SP-21/T(Alcohol-6).—The following draft of certain regulations, further to amend the Food Safety and Standards (Alcoholic Beverages) Regulations, 2018, which the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India proposes to make with previous approval of the Central Government, in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (v) of sub-section (2) of section 92 of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 (34 of 2006) is hereby published as required by the said sub-section (1) of section 92 of the said Act, for the information of all persons likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the said draft regulations shall be taken into consideration after the expiry of the period of sixty days from the date on which copies of the Official Gazette in which this notification is published are made available to the public;
Objections and suggestions, if any, may be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, FDA Bhawan, Kotla Road, New Delhi- 110002, or may be sent through email at
Objections and suggestions, which may be received from any person with respect to the said draft regulations, before the expiry of period so specified above, shall be considered by the Food Authority.
Draft regulations
1. These regulations may be called the Food Safety and Standards (Alcoholic Beverages) Amendment Regulations, 2023.
2. In the Food Safety and Standards (Alcoholic Beverages) Regulations, 2018,–
(1) inPart-1,
(a) in regulation 1.2 relating to „Definitions‟, after sub-regulation1.2.12, following shall be inserted, namely, –
“1.2.12a. “Ready-to–drink/ Low alcoholic beverages, shall be low alcoholic, flavored beverages having more than 0.5 to 8.0% of alcohol ABV, made from spirit or the mixture of spirit or any alcoholic beverage other than wine and beer as base by adding natural/nature identical/artificial flavors and/or food additives permitted under the FSS (FPS&FA) Regulations 2011; and/or fruit/vegetable juice with or without added sugar/salt and with or without carbonation. In case of carbonated ready-to-drink (RTD) /low alcoholic beverages, they shall be carbonated with carbon dioxide. However,the carbonated RTD /low alcoholic beverages shall have a minimum of one volume of carbon dioxide. It shall conform to the requirements of Table-4]”.
(b) in regulation 1.3, in sub-regulation 1.3.9, the proviso starting with “Alcoholic beverage containing” and ending with “the requirements of Table-4”, shall be substituted with the following, namely, –
“Alcoholic beverage containing more than 0.5 per cent abv but not more than 8.0 per cent abv may be called as Ready-to–drink/ low alcoholic beverage. It shall conform to the definition provided under regulation 1.2 and the requirements of Table-4.
Product name/Ingredients/Raw materials for such products are placed at Annexure-1 of these regulations, which are not exhaustive.”
(2) in Part2, regulation 2.2 related to Country Liquors shall be substituted with the following namely, –
“2.2 Country liquors/Indian Liquors: Country liquors/Indian Liquors or spirits are alcoholic beverages obtained from distillation of fermentable carbohydrates of agricultural origin. Country liquors/Indian Made Liquors may also be of the following types:
2.2.1 Plain country liquors/Plain Indian liquors: Plain country liquors/Plain Indian liquors shall be made from alcoholic distillate obtained from fermented molasses, jiggery (Gur), mash of cereals, potato, cassava, fruits, juice or sap of coconut and palm trees, mahua flowers or any other carbohydrates of agricultural origin.
2.2.2 Blended country liquors / Blended Indian liquors: Blended country liquors /Blended Indian liquors is a blend of an alcoholic distillate, rectified spirit or neutral spirit.
Country liquors/Indian liquors shall also conform to the general requirements pecified in Part 1 and requirements specified in Table – 1. Product name/Ingredients/Raw materials for such products are placed at Annexure-1 of these regulations, which arenot exhaustive.”
(3) in Part-3, in regulation 3.1,
(a) after the proviso starting with “A season‟s yield of wine” and ending with “vintage wine”, the following shall be inserted, namely, –
“Product name/Ingredients/Raw materials for such products are placed at Annexure-1 of these regulations, which are not exhaustive.”
(b) in sub-regulation 3.1.4, the heading “Wine from fruits other than grapes” shall be substituted with the following, namely, –
“Fruit Wine (other than grape wine) along with Honey wine”.
(c) in sub-regulation 3.1.4, after clause,following shall be inserted, namely, –
“ Honey wine/ Mead: Honey wine / Mead is a wine produced from the fermentation of an aqueous solution of honey by yeasts without addition of any other carbohydrate source. It shall conform to the requirements provided under Table-2.”
(d) sub-regulation 3.1.5, shall be substituted with the following, namely, –
“Wine from other agricultural and plant sources (WAPS)
Wine from other agricultural and plant sources may be produced by the normal alcoholic fermentation of the juice or sap or whole grains or other agricultural and plant sources with or without the addition of sugar or jaggery. It may include the following:”
(e) in sub-regulation 3.1.6, related to Wine Based Beverages, ending with words “or any other approved substance”, following shall be inserted, namely, –
“Wine Based Beverages may or may not becar bonated.”
(5) in Part 4, in regulation 4.2, related to Draught beer, after sub-regulation 4.2 (1) related to Craftbeer, following shallbe inserted, namely, –
“4.2 (1) (i) Nitro Craft Beer–NitroCraft Beer is the craft beer having the mixture of CO2 and N2 gas.”
(6) in the Table no. 2,
(a) Column no. 7, in the heading, after the words “Fruit Wine (other than grape wine)”, the following shall be inserted, namely, -“alongwith Honey wine”.
(b) Column 5 in the heading Country Liquor or Plain Country Liquor shall be amended as follows:Country Liquor/Indian Liquor or Plain Country Liquor/ Plain Indian Liquor.
(c) Column 6 row No.1 Blended Country Liquors shall be amended as follows:Blended Country Liquors/ Blended Indian Liquors
(7) in Table 2, the foot note starting with words “wine based beverages” and ending with “ethyl alcohol content”, shall be substituted with the following, –
“Wine based beverages shall comply with the standards of table wine, except the characteristic ethyl alcohol content.”
(8) in Table 3,
(a) after column No. 7, following shall be inserted under Craft beer category:
Morethan 5.0 up to 8.0
(b) in Column 2 (Characteristics),
(i) in S. No. 3, the words “Carbon dioxide, v/v”, Min, shall be substituted with following, namely, – “CO2 or Mixture of CO2 and N2 gas v/v”
(ii) for S. No. 3, related to Carbondioxide, v/v, Min, following footnote shall be inserted at the end of the Table 3:
“Mixture of CO2 and N2 gas is applicable only for craft beer”.
(iii) for S.No.10, related to“ Total plate count, CFU perml”, following foot note shall be inserted at the end of the Table 3:
“Does not include Brewer‟s yeast”.
(9) in Table 4, the heading “Requirements for Low Alcoholic Beverages other than wine and beer” shall be substituted with “Requirements for Ready-to–drink/Low alcoholic beverages”.
(10) After Table 4, the following Annexure shall be inserted:
Table1:ListofIndianLiquors(Distilled Liquor)
Sl. No. |
Alcoholic products | Raw materials and Starter | Product category tocomply |
1 | Acham | Rice, chamri | Table 1(5) |
2 | Ark orara | Barley, apple, wildapricot | Table 1(5) |
3 | ArakorHor-Alank | Rice, Thap | Table 1(5) |
4 | Aara | Cereals, paa, pee | Table 1(5) |
5 | Basi | Rice | Table 1(5) |
6 | BattaSarai | Clear distilled liquor; alcoholic drink | Table1(5) |
7 | Daru | Cereal | Table 1(5) |
8 | Handia | Rice, ranu | Table 1(5) |
9 | Haria | Rice and bhakar or dabai or modpitha | Table 1(5) |
11 | Juharo | Rice, humao | Table 1(5) |
12 | Kiad | Rice, thiat | Table 1(5) |
13 | Maddafeni | Cashewfruit | Table 1(5) |
14 | Madhu | Rice, khekhrii | Table 1(5) |
15 | MaduaApong | Fingermillet, phab | Table 1(5) |
16 | Mahua | Driedcorollas of Madhucalongifolia and ranu | Table 1(5) |
17 | NavaSagara/kandasarai | Jaggery, Molasses | table1(5) |
18 | Nchiangne | Redrice | Table 1(5) |
19 | Raksi | Cerealsandmarcha | Table 1(5) |
20 | Rakzu | Riceanddawdim | Table 1(5) |
21 | Ruhi | Rice | Table 1(5) |
22 | Soor | Fruitsand keem | Table 1(5) |
23 | Tin-zu | Riceanddawdim | Table 1(5) |
24 | Toddyliquor | Made from distilled palm sap | table1(5) |
25 | Xajpani/kolohpani | Rice, xajpittha | Table 1(5) |
26 | Yu | Rice, hamei | Table 1(5) |
27 | Zu | Rice | Table 1(5) |
28 | Zupui | Rice and dawdim | Table 1(5) |
Table II: List of Indian Liquor(Undistilled Liquor)
S. No. | Alcoholic products | Raw materials and Starter | Product category to comply |
1 | Angooriorkinnauri | Grapes | Table 2 [White Wine (3) and Red Wine (4)] |
2 | Chulli | Apricot | Table 2(7) |
3 | Ghanti | Appleandapricot | Table 2(7) |
Table III: List of Indian Liquor(Low Alcoholic Beverage)
S. No. | Alcoholic products | Raw materials and Starter | Product category tocomply |
1 | Apongorennog | Rice, Apoppitha | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
2 | Atingba | Rice, hamei | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
3 | Ahom | Rice and vekurpitha | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
4 | Bhaatijaanr | Rice, marcha | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
5 | Bhang-chyang | Maizerice/barley and pham | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
6 | Buza | Barley | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
7 | Chhang/Chyang/Chee/ Kodokojaanr | Fingermillet/barley and phab | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
8 | Chhind | Extractedsap of chhind (Phoenixsylvestris) | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
9 | Chakti | Jaggery | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
10 | Dekuijao | Rice | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
11 | Duizou | Redrice, khekhrii | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
12 | Ennog | Blackrice, phut | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
13 | Faaparkojaanr | Buckwheat, marcha | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
14 | Gahoonkojaanr | Wheat, marcha | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
15 | Jannorjaan | Rice, wheat and other cereals and balam |
Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
16 | Jaokojaanr | Barley, marcha | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
17 | Jhara | Rice, dabairanu | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
18 | Jou | Rice, khekhrii | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
19 | JouBishi | Rice, angkur | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
20 | Judima | Rice, humao | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
21 | Juhning | Rice | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
22 | Kodokojaanr | Fingermillet and marcha | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
23 | Khor | Germinated rice | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
24 | Kanji | Beetcarrot root and torami | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
25 | Langi | Rice, chowan | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
26 | Laopani | Rice, pitha | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
27 | Lugri | Barley | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
28 | Mingari/Lohpani | Maize, rice orbarley andpham | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
29 | Makaikojaanr | Maize, marcha | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
30 | Nduijao | Rice | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
31 | Nyongin | Rice, opop | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
32 | Oa | Rice-filletmixture, paa | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
33 | Opo | Rice-milletand | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
34 | Pachwai | Rice, bhakar | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
35 | Patso | Rice, chamri | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
36 | Pendum | Rice, herbs, ranuorbhakar | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
37 | Pheijou | Rice, husk, khai |
Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
38 | Pona/Pone | Rice | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
39 | Rak | Apple, wildalmond, apricot and jiggery and phab | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
40 | Sez | Rice | Table 4 (Low-alcohol,~4- |
41 | Sujen | Rice and modpitha or perokkushi | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
42 | Sura | Fingermillet | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
43 | Simaltarulkojaanr | Cassavatuber and marcha | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
44 | Sira-Oa | Rice-filletmixture, paa | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
45 | Themsing | Fingermillet/barley | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
46 | Timpui | Rice, khai | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
47 | Waiyu | Rice, husk, khai | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
48 | Yu angouba | Germinatedrice | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
49 | Zoungao | Germinatedrice | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
50 | Zutho/Zhuchu | Rice, khekhrii | Table 4 |
51 | Zufang | Sticky rice and dawdim | Table 4 (Low-alcohol, ~4-5%) |
Note : Products specified in Table 1, 2 & 3 of this Annexure, governed by any other Act and Regulations are exempted from the provisions of these Regulations.
G. KAMALA VARDHANA RAO, Chief Executive Officer
Note : The principal regulation were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary Part III, Section 4, vide notification number F. No. 2/SA-24/2009(1)/FSSAI, dated 19th March, 2018 and subsequently amended vide notification No. F. No. Stds/SP (water and Beverages)/Notification (1)/FSSAI-2019 dated 18th December, 2020 and F. No. Std/SP-21/T(Alcohol-5) dated 10th June, 2022.