THE INSTITUTE OF Company Secretaries of India
Statutory body under an Act of Parliament
PDPP&S/LL/2016/37 Dated: September 09, 2016
Dear Professional Colleagues
Sub. : Authorization of Practising Company Secretaries for Conducting Third Party Certification Audits
As you are kindly aware, the Labour Department, Government of Haryana vide its Notification No.11/38/2016-4Lab dated 10th August, 2016 formulated Third Party Certification/Audit Scheme for the factories, shops and commercial establishments in the State to liberalise the enforcement of labour laws in pursuance of implementation of the “Business Reform Action Plan 2016- Ease of Doing Business” as formulated by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industries, Government of India .
The Third Party Certification/Audit Scheme has authorized Practising Company Secretaries to conduct audits of compliance of various labour laws.
As per Third Party Certification/Audit Scheme, “Compliance Auditor” would be a qualified Practising Company Secretary and who has not been an employee or on the regular pay role of the establishment or has not been a consultant of the company for the last three years. The units which submit Third Party Certification regularly on annual basis shall not be inspected through the random list of inspections.
Notification dated 10th August, 2016 issued by the Labour Department, Government of Haryana is attached for your kind information please.
CS Mamta Binani
Encl. : As above