Post Qualification Course on Information Systems Audit (ISA)
on Saturday the 12th November, 2011
Last Date for Online Form Submission – 31st October , 2011 till 5:30 PM
1. The next Eligibility Test for ISA PQC is scheduled to be held on Saturday the 12th November, 2011 from 08.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. A detailed notification giving list of centers would be hosted on Committee Portal at by 15th October, 2011.
2. A list of candidates, who have completed ISA Professional Training from 1st July 2011 to 30th September 2011, would also be hosted by 10th October 2011. In case you do not find your name in the list, kindly forward your request giving requisite details (ISA No, Membership No., Name, ISA PT Date and City) to, latest by October 25, 2011.
3. Candidates desirous of taking this ISA ET have to submit the Online ISA ET Form (by giving their ISA No. and password) that would be available on the Committee Portal at from 15th to 31st October, 2011.
4. ISA Eligibility Test November 2011 will be conducted with both revised (as effective from 1st April 2010) and old syllabus. Members will be required to choose the version of the syllabus which should be considered for their exam.
5. Candidates filling form B or C (2nd or subsequent attempt) have to ensure that their ISA ET Fee of Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred only) reaches the following address by the aforementioned last date through Demand Draft/ Pay Order in favour of “The Secretary, ICAI”, payable at Delhi.
The Secretary Fax No. 120 3045963 |
Phone: : +91 120 3045961 Fax No. 120 3045963 E-mail ID: |
6. Applications received after the aforementioned last date would not be entertained under any circumstances and candidates would have to take the ISA ET in May, 2012 attempt.