Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Analysis and Evaluation of Indian Start-ups in Non-metropolitan Areas and Selected Metropolitan Areas – An Untold Story
The main contribution of the Research Report on “Analysis and evaluation of Indian Start-ups in non-metropolitan areas and selected metropolitan areas-an untold story” is to throw light on the reasons of success and failure of Start-ups in non-metropolitan and selected metropolitan areas. The report also indicates the thrust area of Start-ups to improve for sustainable development.
Number of start-ups in metropolitan areas are higher than the nonmetropolitan areas due to presence of robust Start-ups ecosystem. There is less awareness about Start-ups business model and ecosystem in urban and semi urban areas due to which aspiring promoters are not getting opportunities to connect with all stakeholders of ecosystem which is proving to be deciding factor in their success or failure. Other factors which play important role in success of Start-ups involves presence of Mentors, Incubation centres, Investors, Accelerators, Internet connectivity, transport and electricity facility over the remote areas.
Many Start-ups are failing as the Start-ups incumbents are not doing proper study of market regarding demand for products or services to be offered. Dedicated focus on advanced technologies as ML, AI, analysis, Big Data etc. is required to bring radical changes.