In Maharashtra 32 New Check Post have been constructed, it means that on Maharashtra border every Inward and Outward movement of goods will be examined. Will it increase difficulties & problems of business people? Kindly give us brief information and reasons behind introduction of Check Post.
If TDS is not paid then expenses of 30% will be disallowed instead of 100%: if TDS on expenses like, commission, interest, rent etc. is not deposited with the government in a F.Y. then it was allowed in year of payments.
Arjuna, Govt. collects taxes and utilizes it for citizen’s security, development, growth, etc. See, like in sports, one wins while other loses similarly in life one’s grief is others reason for happiness. In same way, an expense of one is an Income of other, and hence disparity between Government and Taxpayers will always remain.
CA Umesh Sharma Karniti: Taxpayers please note recent changes in Income Tax Return Keeping conversation between Lord Krishna and Arjuna as the foundation, we will learn certain basic financial and tax matter in KARNITI series of articles. Let us try to get answers to our questions in a bit different and joyful manner. The character […]
Krishna, many companies are worried, as they will have to submit new return about deposits and loans before 30th June 2014, as stated in New Companies Act 2013. It is said that there are very strict provisions and rules in new companies act.
Arjuna (Fictional Character): Krishna, on 5th June 2014, Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister of Maharashtra State presented the finance budget for the year 2014-15. Taxpayers had many expectations from the budget due to all round changes and upcoming elections.