Article discusses Advantages of Advance Ruling under GST Law, Questions Specified Questions Specified for Advance Ruling under GST Law, Authority for Advance Ruling (AAR) Under GST Law, Appellate Authority for Advance Ruling (AAAR) Under GST Law, Qualification and appointment of members of the Authority for Advance Ruling, Applicability of Advance Ruling
Customs is an authority or tax collection wings are being appointed by the Government in every country for controlling and for collecting of tax on the flow of goods, including live animals and hazardous items into and out of a country.
Education is one of the key factors for generation of human capital in the Country. Education plays an important role for the Nation building process. The right to Education is one of the Fundamental Rights of the Constitution of India.
TAXATION PROFESSIONAL Export is one of the key business activities in the current scenario of the Global market and the volume of exports earnings determine the rate of growth of country’s economy. So, the higher will be the volume of exports higher will be the inflow of foreign exchange earnings would be resulted in higher […]
The term input is one of the important concepts, which is integrally connected to output. The existence of output cannot be realized without input. The input tax occupies an important place in any tax system. Input tax credit under erstwhile Cenvat provisions was backbone of the Cenvat Credit Rules. Similarly, the ITC scheme is the […]
The payment of tax or dues on supplies of goods and services shall be made to the Government by the registered person through electronically at the Common portal in GST regime. The manner of payment of tax and dues of the Government in erstwhile provisions of Central Excise and Service Tax even though was made through electronically but not on the common portal.
Requirement of Credit Note in GST:-A supplier of goods or services or both is mandatorily required to issue a tax invoice. However, during the course of trade or commerce, after the invoice has been issued there could be situation like:
Ramesh Chandra Jena The Composition Scheme is an alternative method of levy of tax designed for small business entities whose aggregate turnover is up to prescribed threshold limit. The objective of the Government by implementing this scheme to facilitate the small business entities to comply the minimum compliance burden in GST regime. The Composition Scheme […]