See! The result is not an end, This is the beginning of transcend.If pass, then you eligible for the new chapter, If not, then too eligible with new ways for same chapter.
Arise, awake and stop not, Till the goal is achieved. Lest, one feel as wrongly caught, Hence never take pause on path perceived. My salutation to Swami Vivekananda, Who is one of the greatest Abhiyanta. Giving wisdom as to constructing bridge of life, Infusing strength to walk & cross in order to survive.
May stress, violence & tension,Do not knock our door. O mine of compassion! This prayer from the heart core. May we all professionals, Become backbone of the Nation. Through smart auditing of organisations, Feel proud to be part of the Nation.
AS 1 discloses Accounting Policies, 2 is for Valuation of Inventories. Cash Flow is there in AS 3, AS 4 Post BS date, contingencies & events, the way one can treat.
Life is not just copy and paste, As per touchstone-test, it’s TRACES & UPGRADES. Your destiny is ingrained in your hands dear, Tasks, which not as per Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct, do not bear.
Sun is one, Moon is one, Trick to pass any Exam is one. God is one, this Earth is one. Master Key to open Lock is one. How to face any exam in life, Always lies on One Rule guys. Remember, lesson of the day on daily basis. Read, next day’s lesson on advanced basis.
Hey! Do not get stressed, Articleship is the next step. Enter into this amazing ship, Now, you’re eligible for this golden ship. Start your ship, Without any fail. Learn, how to hold the grip, Without any ambiguity, through numerous trails.
What is net profit and what is net loss, In our life, it’s a game of write off and write back. Writing off your fears and writing back your cheers, Will lead you building an automatic gear.
Take the financial statements, As essential documents of life. Dive as much as you can, So as to enjoy every point and each moment of time.What we get in legacy, Can be named as the opening Stock. What we leave behind as legacy,Can be termed as the closing stock.