Share Application Money or deposit in the current account cannot be included in the definition of deposit so as to trigger provisions of sec 269SS of the Income Tax Act,1961. Brief facts of the case were that the assessee company was in the business of construct ion of the hotel.
Hon’ble ITAT Mumbai in the case of Pradeep G. Vora v/s ITO has dealt in depth about the power of the tribunal to admit new additional ground and has held that tribunal Cannot be Precluded from handling any point (facts or law) which pertains to the assessment even if it is raised for the first time before it and was not raised before the authorithies below by observing as under:-
The Assessing Officer has though power to re–assess but no power to review and if the concept of change of opinion is removed, then in the garb of the re–assessment, review of earlier orders would take place.
Hon’ble Delhi ITAT has in the case of DCIT v/s Heminder Kumari in ITA No. 4210-4213/Del/2013 has held that the information received by the Assessing officer from his investigation Wing, at best, be regarded as a prima-facie material, but could not be construed as conclusive for use against the assessee to fasten any tax liability, because the same was required to be corroborated by credible and independent evidence.
We have found that the G.P. rate in this year has been on lower side. However, the decrease in G.P. rate stands explained by the undeniable reasons that there is heavy increase in purchase price, freight cost and export cost.
Hon’ble Hyderabad ITAT has in the case of Dr. G. Premalatha v/s DCIT has categorically held that the CIT(A) had no jurisdiction in appeal proceedings to call for a valuation report, which is the exclusive prerogative of the AO.
Once loss is determined, the same should be set off against the income determined under any other head of income including undisclosed income. Hon’ble ITAT Ahemdabad Bench in the case of M/s. K.R. Automobiles v/s ACIT in ITA No.1972/Ahd/2012 has held that business loss can be set off against the addition u/s.68 of the Act by observing as follows:-
Hon’ble Cochin ITAT has in the case of M/s Sree Anjaneya Medical Trust while disposing off the appellant’s plea for registration u/s 12A has held that collection of money for admission of students in the professional colleges is not only inhuman but also against the scheme of the Constitution of sec 12A.
The assessee is engaged in agricultural and allied activity. This company is one of the group companies constituted by Shri B.Ramalinga Raju and his family members. During the course of scrutiny proceedings, the Assessing Officer called for the books of account of the assessee
Sec 153A cannot be used to re-agitate concluded assessment in the absence of any incriminating material. Hon’ble Agra ITAT Bench has in the order of DCIT V/S Kalyani Chaturvedi has held that assessments that have attained finality don’t abate at the time of search and they cannot be done de-novo u/s 153A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 in the absence of any fresh incriminating material found during the course of search by observing as under :-