"A Chartered Accountant with full of enthusiasm who have very much interest in upcoming
challenges in Economy with ability to face those challenges smoothly and
always b... elieve in making good changes in the Society. Always try to create opportunities by value addition to Client / society.
Working as Senior Partner of Kaloti & Lathiya for more than 15 years.
" Read more >
Chartered accountant| Information system auditor| Insurance and risk management.
Job Experience
System Audit | Consultancy in Indirect Taxes(GST, VAT & Service Tax)| VAT Audits| Statutory Audits | Internal Audit | Information System Audit|
Project Setup Consultancy.
Job Skills
• Contributed article on GST in Bombay Chartered Accountant Journal in the year 2011and also contributed articles in Sales Tax Practitioners Association of Maharashtra in the field of GST, Sales Tax and Vat.
• Delivered more than 180 lectures on impact of GST on various different sectors of industry like film distribution, watch industry, goods transport agency, bank sector, medical sector, works contract, construction sector, education sector and various other sectors and manufacturing industries.
• Started giving GST lectures from 2011 onwards and helping society for smooth and effective implementation of GST.
• Earned recognition from various clubs and associations for professional and technical advice relating to interpretation and bringing in reality actual working for GST.
• Faculty member on Vat Audit of CA Branch Programs.
• Faculty on Work Contract – Issues in the seminars organized by CA Branch.
• Contributed article on Traffic Awareness to The National Highway Authority of India and to The State Government.
• Conducted more than 300 Professional & Technical Sessions at various places.