Interest of more than Rs 2.5 Lakh earned annually from contribution to Employees Provident fund (EPF) or Government Provident Fund (GPF) will not be taxed retrospectively, Expenditure Secretary TV Somanathan clarified.
ratuity is a reward for long and meritorious service. In 1972 the government passed the Payment of Gratuity Act that made it mandatory for all employers with more than 10 employees to pay gratuity. Gratuity shall be payable to an “employee” on the termination of his employment
Article explains Who is eligible for pension/ family pension, What is the tax treatment for family pension received by the legal heirs of a deceased employee, Document to be filled for family pension in case of death, Documents to be filled when the name of the claimant member is not available in the records, What […]
We go on travel with our family and if we can get tax benefits on such traveling expenses, than why waste to it. This Article on Leave Travel allowance or LTA explains how to claim LTA benefit and Income Tax Provisions related to the same.
What is House Rent Allowance? Employees generally receive a house rent allowance (HRA) from their employers. This is a part of the salary package, in accordance with the terms and conditions of employment. HRA is given to meet the cost of a rented house taken by the employee for his stay.
Composition scheme under the law is for small businesses. This is to bring relief to small businesses so that they need not be burdened with the compliance provisions under the law.
Hello everyone coming with another article in this New Year on Reverse Charge under GST, Reverse charge under GST is a mechanism where recipient of goods and/ or services is liable to pay GST instead of supplier. What is Reverse Charge under GST? Under Normal Scenario, tax is paid by a supplier who makes supply […]
As we all know The Goods and Service Tax (GST) bill was passed in the Upper House of the Indian Parliament – The Rajya Sabha. To be implemented from 01st July 2017, A one nation one tax slogan which will replace the plethora of taxes levied under different names like service tax, value added tax (VAT), entertainment tax, cess etc.
Till now new tax regime GST,roll out date is July 1st but in an interview with our former finance minister P Chidambaram, said that a rush to roll out the new tax regime from July 1 could be detrimental.
Esha Agrawal The Union Cabinet has cleared four bills related to the Goods and Services Tax (GST), ahead of their introduction in Parliament, to enable roll out of the tax reform from July 1. Approval of the bills by Parliament and a separate one by all state Assemblies will complete the legislative process for roll […]