Hello friends, here we discussed the provision of transfer of capital asset to partner/member on dissolution or reconstitution of the specified entity [Section 45(4) and section 9B] [W.e.f A.Y. 2021-22]. 1) SECTION 45(4) OF INCOME TAX ACT, 1961 Before Amendment, As per section 45(4), the profits or gains arising from the transfer of a capital […]
Trusts have not been defined under the Income-tax Act 1961. The Dictionary meaning of ‘Trust’, in so far as it relates to the realm of law, is ‘an arrangement’ by which property is handed over to or vested in a person, to use and dispose it off for the benefit of another person.’ Trust can […]
As per the Income Tax Act 1961, an AOP/BOI is a Separate Assessee. When two or more than two persons or individuals join together to do some activity to produce income by their efforts in common without forming a Partnership firm or Private/Public Limited Company then we call it AOP/BOI.