C. Incorporation of Nidhi Company: A Person (or an Association of Persons), desirous of incorporating a Nidhi Company has to make an application for the purpose, with the Registrar within whose jurisdiction the registered office of the company is proposed to be situated, in e-Form No. INC-32 (SPICe). All the documents which are required to […]
UDIN 1. MEANING: It stands for UNIQUE DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER. The UDIN is an 18-Digit system generated number and it has the following format: For E.g.: 19A58903AKTSBN1659 First 2 Digits Last 2-Digit of the Current Year (in this case 19) Next 6 Digits ICSI’s Membership No. i.e., AAAAAA (in this case A58903) Next 10 Digits […]
A. Incorporation of Public / Private Companies A Person (or an Association of Persons), desirous of incorporating a company has to make an application for registration of a company shall be filed, with the Registrar within whose jurisdiction the registered office of the company is proposed to be situated, in e-Form No. INC-32 (SPICe). [Provided […]
Article explains Amendment in Companies Act, 2013 vide Companies (Amendment) Act, 2019 in Section 26 : Matters to be stated in Prospectus amended, Section29 : Public Offer of Securities to be in Dematerilised Form, Section 35 : Civil Liability for Mis-statements in Prospectus, Section 90 : Register of significant beneficial owners in a company, Section […]
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has issued a General Circular No. 07/2019 dated 27TH June, 2019 and has clarified the following: a) Every person who has already filed DIR-3 KYC will only be required to complete his / her KYC through a simple web-based verification service, with pre-filled data based on the records in the registry, for ease of verification by the person concerned.