Subject: Procedure of issuance of certificate for claiming All Industry rate of Drawback in respect of Cotton Handloom Terry Towels and Terry Toweling cloth, when dyed, falling under SS No. 5803 & 6309 (OId 2610 & 2710) of the existing Duty Drawback Table.
Kindly refer to Drawback/PN-1/96, dated the 27th February, 1996, announcing the All Industry rates of Drawback in respect of Cotton Handloom Terry Towels and Terry Towelling Cloth, when dyed, falling under SS No.5803 & 6309 (OId 2610 & 2710) of the existing Duty Drawback Table, as under :
Sub- Serial No.
Old Sub-serial No. (only for reference)
Description of goods
Rate of
Cus. C. Ex.
5803 | 2611 | Cotton Handloom Terry 3% (three per cent All C.Ex. towelling cloth, when dyed only) of f.o.b. value |
Note :
- A certificate from a competent authority is required to be produced that the said Cotton Handloom Terry towelling cloth, when dyed, are manufactured by Handloom Sector.
Sub-Serial No.
OId Sub-Serial No. (only for reference)
Description of goods
Rate of Drawback
Allocation Cus. C.Ex.
6309 | 2710 | Cotton Handloom Terry 4% (Four per cent All C.Ex. towels, whendyed. only) of f.o.b. value |
Note :
- A certificate from a competent authority is required to be produced that the said Cotton Handloom Terry towels, when dyed, are manufactured by Handloom Sector.
2. The Textile commissioner, being the Central Government authority to certify the Handloom items after necessary inspection, it has been decided that the above mantioned certificate will be issued by the committee. Accordingly, a procedure has been devised in the following paras.
3. In order to claim All Industry rates of Drawback for the export of above mentioned items, as defined in para -1, the exporter shall submit an inspection application in duplicate (format enclosed), along with a copy of invoice and packing list and an amount of Rs. 20/- towards the service charges to the Chief Inspection Officer, Textile Committee, Bombay. On completion of the inspection and on ensuring loom origin as handloom. Inspector shall issue the required certificate (format enclosed) in duplicate to the applicant.
4. However, wherever the above items are being inspected and certified, under various bilateral agreements, there is no need for submission of separate application as stated above. The necessary certificate will be issued on the basis of combination from.
5. The above procedure may kindly be brought to the notice of all concerned through a public notice.
The Chief Inspecting Officer
Textile Committee, Bombay
Kindly arrange to inspect the under mentioned lot of handloom items meant for export, the particulars of which are as under:
1. Name and address of the Exporter
2. Name and address of the Manufacturer
3. Destination of Export
4. Description of the Material
5. Particulars of goods to be exported:
(a) Quantity : Pcs./ mtrs. ______________
(in words) ______________
(b) Total No. of Packages
(c) Package No.
6. Mode of service charges with cheque / DD No.
7. Place and Date of Inspection
Place :
Date :
Region Lot No. Dated
Date and place of inspection :
This is to certify that the material, the particulars of which are given below of M/s ___________ covered by Invoice No. __________________ dated ___________ has been inspected and found to be of handloom origin.
Quantity Pcs./ Mts.:
(as declared by the applicant)
In words
Total No. of Packages
Packages Nos.
Place :