The ITAT in the case of Transfer Pricing observed that the exclusion and inclusion of comparable companies could be determined on basis of the Judgments of Yahoo Software Development (India) Pvt. Ltd. (2020) 115 60 (Bang Trib) and Goldman Sachs Services Pvt. Ltd. (IT(TP)A No. 2355/Bang/2019. Also while dealing with the issue of capitalisation of software expenses it was held that “period of license” cannot be considered but the kind of software “system software or application software” shall be taken into consideration.
MAP rate should be applied by AO/TPO for the rest of the transitions of Rs.25,09,87,512 which was 4.42% of the total transactions. Accordingly, AO was directed to apply the MAP rate on the rest of the transactions for determination of the margin on the international transactions.
ITAT Ahmedabad held that construction cost attributable to 5 offices out of total 11 offices should be worked out on weighted basis and not on average basis as the properties mainly of the ground floor and first floor were sold out. Such properties fetches higher value in terms of sale price and hence cost is also attributable on weighted basis.
ITAT Bangalore based on the judgement of Datacraft India Ltd. held that if the networking equipment is used as a part of the computer in its functions, then the same will be classified as computers for the purpose of depreciation.
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Since there was failure on the part of revenue to collect any evidence in relation to either procurement of raw materials by the appellant or production of huge quantity of final goods alleged as removed clandestinely to sustain the charge of clandestine removal hence, the impugned demand was not sustainable for lack of evidences.
The ITAT while dismissing the assessees appeal observed that the assessee has transferred his share of right and interest over the property in favour of his father through relinquishment deed dated 14.10.2014, which is after entering into sale agreement on 28.1.2014 and as per section 2(47)(i) of the Income Tax Act, transfer in relation to a capital asset, includes, the sale, exchange or relinquishment of assets. Therefore, the Order of AO wherein it was held that the assessee could not claim any exemption on the capital gains was upheld.
Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction – NIST Definition.
Employees Provident Fund Organisation & Anr. Etc. Vs Sunil Kumar B. & Ors. Etc. (Supreme Court of India) The Apex Court on Friday upheld the amended Employees’ Pension Scheme (EPS), which caps the basic salary of an employee at Rs 15,000 a month for the pension component derived from it to be calculated. A Bench […]