Filing of Annual returns by composition taxpayers. – Negative Liability in GSTR-4 Filing of Annual returns by composition taxpayers. – Negative Liability in GSTR-4 Instances have come to notice where taxpayers are reporting negative liability appearing in their GSTR-4. Background: Since FY 2019-20, composition taxpayers has to pay the liability through Form GST CMP-08 on […]
Seeking comments of the members on Draft Guidelines for the Formation of Multi-Disciplinary Partnership (MDP) firms by the members of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India as per provisions of the Cost and Works Accountants Act and Regulations and Draft Frequently Asked Questions on Formation of Multi-Disciplinary Partnership (MDP) Firms by the Practising Members of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India.
JMS Mining Pvt. Ltd. Vs PCIT (ITAT Kolkata) Current appeal has been filed against the order dated March 30, 2021 (Impugned order) passed by Ld. Principal Commissioner of Income-tax (Respondent) under Section 263 of Income Tax Act, 1961 (IT Act). It is challenged on the ground of the invocation of jurisdiction by the Respondent without […]
GST may be new to us but it is not new to globe, France adopted GST in 1954 and become the first nation who adopted GST to curb the tax evasion. After that Italy, Japan, Canada, Australia, South Korea, UK and China took a forward step in GST implementation in their economy. GST was adopted […]
Learn the basics of insider trading and understand the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015. Get insights into who is considered an insider and what qualifies as unpublished price sensitive information.
AIMTPA has written a letter to Commissioner of State Tax and brought to his attention issues being faced during assessments under the Maharashtra Value Added Tax Act, 2002 , the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 and some issues related to the functioning of the Department’s portal viz Text of their letter is as follows:- […]
ATMTPA has written a letter to Chief Minister of Rajasthan and requested to extend the date of Rectification of Mistakes of old Assessment orders under section 33 of Rajasthan Value added Tax Act, 2006 to 30th Sept. 2021 so that all the taxpayers of the state can take the benefit of VAT Amnesty scheme-2021 after […]
Learn about the ITR forms applicable for Individuals for AY 2021-22. Find out which form to use based on your income sources and financial situation.
Toplight Corporate Management (P.) Ltd. Vs National faceless assessment Centre Delhi (Delhi High Court) Learned counsel for the petitioner states that the impugned assessment order was passed without issuing mandatory draft assessment order along with show cause notice, as contemplated under Section 144B of the Act, resulting in denial of opportunity to the petitioner to […]
In accordance with the general practices, every company is required to prepare the extract of the annual return in Form MGT-9 and that too before the preparation of actual Annual Return in E-form MGT-7 which is submitted to ROC within 60 days of AGM. The Form MGT-9 is an extract of the annual return which […]