Many people specially who do not file their income tax returns are not aware that they have to pay tax in respect of profits made on sale of a residential house. In certain circumstances, you can save these taxes. Let us discuss it in details. Tax liability on the basis of holding period If the […]
There are some media reports about reintroduction of the FRDI Bill. This is to clarify that the Government has not taken any decision to reintroduce the FRDI Bill.
Very often we get involve in rendering of professional services to charitable and religious organization commonly called as NGO, NPO etc. These services include Auditing, Accounting, Taxation, consultancy, foreign transaction related issues etc. In this regard as far as taxation services are concerned some common errors frequently happen and by mean of this article I have tried to demonstrate those errors and also the corrective measures thereof.
Transfer and Transmission, these two words sound so similar. But there meaning as per Companies Act, 2013 is altogether different. In this write up, we will discuss in detail about Transfer and Transmission of Securities. Transfer of securities An intentional transfer of securities from one party to another party is known as transfer of securities […]