Republic Of India And Government Of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Of People’s Republic Of China For Avoidance Of Double Taxation And Prevention Of Fiscal Evasion With Respect To Taxes On Income
NPS Withdrawal Norms The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has changed the norms for withdrawal of National Pension System (NPS) subscribers. Keeping in view the possibility of sudden financial needs of the subscribers, the requirement of minimum period under National Pension System (NPS) for availing the facility of partial withdrawal from the mandatory […]
New Scheme of Education and Training which was launched last year, is also in line with the International Education Standards. Some of the latest initiatives being undertaken by ICAI towards reforms in the CA Course and Examination System are mentioned below:
Owing a car is a big deal especially for middle-class earning family. We take good care of the car so that it doesn’t get bruised or dented and provide necessary things for it. However, it is possible that your car may get into an accident where you will have to use the car insurance to […]
In re Pew Engineering Pvt. Ltd. (GST AAR West Bengal) Whether retro-fitment of twin pipe air brake system is composite supply and what is the rate of tax thereon? The Applicant’s contract for retro-fitment of Twin Pipe Air Brake System on Railway Wagons is to be treated as Composite Supply, where the Twin Pipe Air Brake […]
In re Swapna Printing Works Private Limited (GST AAR West Bangal) The Applicant’s activity of printing the Bible under the specific orders received from The Gideons International is a supply of service classifiable under SAC 9989. The above service is supplied to the recipient located in India and the consideration is apparently received in INR. […]
In re RITES Limited (GST AAR West Bangal) Whether construction of a railway siding by an entity other than railways is taxable under Sl No. 3(v) of Rate Notification on service Construction of a private railway siding for carriage of coal and oil fuel to Raghunathpur TPS, as described in the agreement between the Applicant […]
In re Ashok Rubber Industries (GST AAR West Bangal) 1st proviso to section 98(2) prohibits this Authority from admitting any application where the question raised is already pending or decided in any proceedings in the case of the applicant under any provisions of the GST Act. It does not distinguish between stages or nature of […]
OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF CUSTOMS (NS-III), MUMBAI CUSTOMS ZONE-II, JAWAHARLAL NEHRU CUSTOM HOUSE, NHAVA SHEVA, TAL: URAN, DIST: RAIGAD, PIN – 400 707. F.No. S/22-Misc-780/2017-18/AEO Cell JNCH Date: 21.12.2018 PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 161/2018 Subject: – AEO programme digitization – Ease of doing business – Development of web-based application for AEO-T1; Modification in Circular 33/2016 […]
In re Ms. Famous Studios Ltd. (GST AAR Maharastra) Question:- 1. Whether the exemption from payment of GST on reverse charge basis under section 9(4) of the CGST Act / SGST Act for receipt of supply of goods and / or services by us from an unregistered person is applicable irrespective of any threshold limit […]