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Archive: 03 July 2017

Posts in 03 July 2017

Highlights of GST

July 3, 2017 16674 Views 4 comments Print

GST provisions which are applicable for all the traders are as follows: 1. All the information about GST is available at cbec.gov.in 2. If the aggregate turnover of any person is more than Rs. 20 Lakh then it is compulsory to take the registration for him. 3. On Interstate transactions IGST will be levied. CGST and SGST will be levied on Intrastate transactions. Similarly, UTGST will be levied on Union territory transactions.

Vacancy for CA for the profile of Brand Financial Analyst

July 3, 2017 1551 Views 0 comment Print

Vacancy for CA for the profile of Brand Financial Analyst at Bangalore for those who  are having experience in the relevant field of  2 to 3 Years in FMCG Industry at Managerial Level. Job Description: The job purpose of Brand Financial Analyst involves monitoring & reporting business parameter, high light periodically risks/opportunities in the business […]

Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Third Amendment) Rules, 2017

July 3, 2017 1959 Views 0 comment Print

1. (1) These rules may be called as Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Third Amendment) Rules, 2017. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

RBI Master Circular 2017– Facility for Exchange of Notes and Coins

July 3, 2017 1749 Views 0 comment Print

Please refer to the Master Circular DCM(NE)No. G-1/08.07.18/2016-17 dated July 18, 2016 containing instructions on the facility for exchange of notes and coins. A revised version of Master Circular on the subject is annexed for your information and necessary action.

Investment by FPI in Govt Securities Medium Term Framework Review

July 3, 2017 807 Views 0 comment Print

Currently ‘long term’ category of FPI investors accounts for about 20% of the total investment by FPIs in Central Government securities. In order to recalibrate the Framework to meet the objective of a preference for long-term investors and also with a view to manage the macro-prudential implications of evolving capital flows, the MTF has been reviewed. Based on the review, the following modifications are made to the Framework.

CBEC amends notification no. 28/2002-central excise dated 13.05.2002

July 3, 2017 1641 Views 0 comment Print

Central Government hereby makes the following further amendment in the notification No. 28/2002-Central Excise, dated the 13th May, 2002

Master Direction: RBI (Relief Measures by banks in areas affected by Natural Calamities) Directions 2017

July 3, 2017 882 Views 0 comment Print

Please refer to our ‘Master Direction FIDD.No.FSD.BC.2/05.10.001/2016-17 dated July 1, 2016 incorporating guidelines issued to banks in regard to matters relating to relief measures to be provided in areas affected by natural calamity.

Welcome GST with Jio-GST

July 3, 2017 10188 Views 0 comment Print

GST is an enormous step forward for the country in creating uniformity of taxes throughout the country. Its implementation would be a complex process and for everyone in the industry, each one would have to play their part for the effective GST implementation. Reliance Jio has come up with India’s first mobile-based GST solution ‘Jio-GST’ […]

What happens after 3 months of implementation of GST

July 3, 2017 21837 Views 2 comments Print

Friends as you all know GST has been made effective w.e.f 1-7-2017. GST has been welcomed by all and specially Chartered Accountants for a simple reason that it will create biggest opportunity of all time for them. CA’s are most enthusiastic and they should be.

Amendment by Taxation Laws (Amendment Act)

July 3, 2017 5778 Views 2 comments Print

A new Section 108A and 108B inserted which cast responsibility on Banking Company, Stock Exchange, Financial Institution, Register, Co Operative Bank etc to Furnish information to Proper Officer. Penalty Rs 100 per day will be imposed in case of failure to Furnish Information.

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