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Archive: 07 April 2017

Posts in 07 April 2017

“Credit Derivatives ” – Embedded Derivatives as per Ind-As/ IFRS

April 7, 2017 2244 Views 0 comment Print

In finance, a credit derivative refers to any one of various instruments and techniques designed to separate and then transfer credit risk or the risk of an event of default of a corporate or sovereign borrower, transferring it to an entity other than lender or debtholder.

How to Invest wisely?

April 7, 2017 3480 Views 0 comment Print

To understand how to invest wisely, first of all, you need to know why to invest. Only if you understand this part clearly, then you can move on to know how to invest wisely.

Rajya Sabha passes all four GST Bills without amendments

April 7, 2017 12957 Views 1 comment Print

On Thursday i.e. April 6, 2017, the Rajya Sabha has passed four supplementary GST legislations without amendments by a voice vote as all parties were on board. The four Bills are as under:

Understanding Goods and Services Tax (GST)

April 7, 2017 8040 Views 1 comment Print

GST Council – Decisions ◊ Threshold limit for exemption to be Rs. 20 lac (Rs. 10 lac for special category States) ◊ Compounding threshold limit to be Rs. 50 lac –not available to inter-State suppliers, service providers (except restaurant service) & specified category of manufacturers ◊ Government may convert existing Area based exemption schemes into reimbursement based scheme ◊ Four tax rates namely 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%

Synopsis of Debate in Rajya Sabha on GST Bills on 06.04.2017

April 7, 2017 1764 Views 0 comment Print

In my view this Bill is a very well thought out Bill. I would like to know that what would be the impact of this Bill on our GDP. The inflation would also fluctuate with the implementation of this Bill. My another concern is regarding the effect of GST on FDI after its implementation.

Crackdown against thousands of shell companies in last 3 years

April 7, 2017 4014 Views 0 comment Print

Crackdown against thousands of shell companies engaged in nefarious activities was effected through enforcement actions (searches, surveys, arrests, prosecutions) by the LEAs (IT/ED/MCA/SFIO/CBI). During the last three financial years (2013-14 to 2015-16)

Analysis of New GST Invoice Rules: Rajya Sabha Passes 4 GST Bills

April 7, 2017 4569 Views 1 comment Print

Finally, the wait is over, after an eight hour debate in Rajya Sabha(upper house of parliament), all four supplementary Bills were passed without any modification, which empowers the Government to roll out the GST in July 1, 2017 and make the nation a unified tax zone.

GST in India – Is it really a “One Nation One Tax”

April 7, 2017 5796 Views 0 comment Print

The term GST stands for Goods and Services Tax, and would be a comprehensive indirect tax levy in India on manufacture, sale and consumption of goods as well as services at the national level. Its main objectives are to cover most of the indirect tax levies into a single tax

Checklist relating to government business for internal / concurrent audit

April 7, 2017 1998 Views 0 comment Print

Internal inspectors/auditors may verify the agency commission claims submitted by branches and confirm their accuracy during the course of their inspection/audit. The following may be specifically examined during the course of internal/concurrent audit at agency bank branches:

Property Tax on IBS/Boosters of Telecom Companies is Constitutionally valid : Gujarat HC

April 7, 2017 1269 Views 0 comment Print

By way of this petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, the petitioner as such challenges the levy of General Property Tax on IBS / Booster installed by the petitioner. The petitioner has also by way of amendment prayed for an appropriate writ, direction and order to declare Section 141B of the Gujarat Provincial Municipal Corporations Act, 1949

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