Once an activity is considered as supply, the next question would be whether such supply is of goods or services to decide on the place and time of supply. Though in most of the cases we could segregate the matters into either goods or services, there are certainly some grey areas where the segregation is not conclusive.
FCA Dinesh Kumar A. What is to be followed by Dealer registered under existing Acts to get GSTIN? B. What is to be followed by new dealer to get GSTIN? C. What is to be followed by Input Service Distributor to get GSTIN? D. What is to be followed by persons required to deduct tax […]
The minister added that all the issues, including the GST rate, area-based exemption, slabs in rates will be decided by the GST Council after detailed discussion with the states.
With this amendment, the export performance of Gems and Jewellery items from SEZ/EOU units shall not be clubbed with export performance from DTA units of any IEC holder for grant of Nominated Agency Certificate and accordingly changes in Para 4.94(a)(i), 4.94(a)(ii) and ANF-4I are also carried out.
Central Government hereby extends the applicability of Minimum Import Price (MIP) beyond 04/10/2016 on 66 HS Codes as specified in the Notification No 20/2015-20 dated 4.8.2016 for further two months, i.e., till 4th December, 2016.