In this article Author has compiled Draft format of Director’s Report For Private Limited Company under Companies Act, 2013 which can be used for Financial Year 2015-16 and Subsequent Years.
After Completion of Two Year of Companies Act, 2013, Law has been settled down. Now it is the high time for the members to start work on Annual Return (MGT-7) and Director Report. Because there were many amendments in Rules, many circulars, notification came during the year 2015-16 which will affect the Annual filing of the Company.
The enemy property vested in the Custodian shall, notwithstanding that the enemy or the enemy subject or the enemy firm has ceased to be an enemy due to death, extinction, winding up of business or change of nationality or that the legal heir and successor is a citizen of India or the citizen of a country which is not an enemy, continue to remain, save as otherwise provided in this Act, vested in the Custodian.