I have perused the Management Agent agreement entered into by the appellant with the principal M/s. Titan Industries Ltd. In terms of the agreement, the appellant is required to display, stock and sell jewellery products to the customers through showrooms managed and operated by the agent on stock transfer basis. The design, maintenance and operation of the showrooms has to be undertaken as per the directions of the principal and the insurance cover for the showroom has to be provided by the agent.
The case of the petitioners is that the impugned explanation below sub-section (13) to section 80IA provides for a levy of tax which was hitherto unknown. It is, therefore, urged that the Court should examine the reasonableness of such provision particularly when the same is brought into operation with retrospective effect. Section 80IA(4) provides for deduction under certain circumstances. If such deductions are withdrawn with retrospective effect, surely there would be a case of providing for a levy which was till then not known.
The Assessing Officer while reassessing the respondent by an order dated 26/3/2002 has in fact taken a ground different from the grounds in the reasons recorded for reopening the assessment under Section 148 of the said Act. The reasons furnished for reopening the assessment alleged that non fund income had been shown in fund based income so as to avail of a higher deduction.
The conclusion that mere non-payment of duties is equivalent to collusion or wilful misstatement or suppression of facts is untenable. If that were to be true, then, it was beyond understanding, which form of non-payment would amount to ordinary default ? Construing mere non-payment as falling under categories of ‘suppression’, ‘wilful misstatement’, etc. would leave no situation for which, ordinary limitation period may apply.
The concept of reverse charge was also prevailing in the positive list era where certain cases/services were specified where the service recipient was made liable to pay the service tax instead of service provider. However concept of partial reverse charge was introduced w.e.f. 1.7.2012
In a landmark decision, the Parliament passed the Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace Bill, giving more women the security of a law to address this issue which is often hidden and forgotten in India.
In the present case, the Ld. AO made changes in the original order by invoking sec 154 based on evidences and disallowed a certain sum of expenditure which were related to previous years and as told found to be of capital in nature too. On appeal to CIT by the assessee, an order was passed for providing an opportunity of being heard to the assessee.
IT Department Urges Taxpayers to Pay all Self- Assessment Tax Dues by 31ST March The Income-tax Act requires that the tax payable on the returned income after taking into account prepaid taxes, should be paid before furnishing the return. An analysis of returns filed electronically in the current Financial Year (2012-13) reveals that nearly 73,388 […]
Advisory from The Institute of Cost Accountants of India The members of the Institute are undertaking Valuation Audit under Section 14A of Central Excise Act,1944. The basic objective of the Section 14A is toensure correct determination of value for themanufacture of excisable goods produced or manufactured for correct realisation of revenue.
It is observed from the Budget 2013-14 authorizes Union Govt. to raise Rs. 50,000 crores (Tax Free Bonds). These bonds carry a lower rate of interest, currently in the range of 6.75% to 7.50% which is tax free under section 10(15) (iv)(h) of the Income-tax Act, 1961. Such bonds were also provided for in Budget 2012-13, but the response had been poor due to restrictions under section 372A(3) of the Companies Act, 1956.