This Excel utility is fully automated. Just put the data in Data input sheet and it will prepare the Form-16 automatically. User can also take printout of Form 16 prepared through this utility. Format if form 16 is latest and applicable from A.Y. 2013-14 and F.Y. 2012-13.
Trade Notice no. 07/ST/2012 A service provider opting for Centralised Registration for the first time for all their branches or converting from single registration(s) to centralised registration under Rule 4(2)(iii) of Service Tax Rules, 1994 shall fill the ST-1 Form online available at After filling the online application, the print-out of the ST-1 application along with the required documents as given in Annexure-I shall be submitted to the office of the jurisdictional Divisional Deputy/Assistant Commissioner of Service Tax within 15 days from the date of filing the application online. Failure to do so would lead to rejection of the registration application.
On requests received from various Corporates & Professionals and difficulties experienced by the stakeholders in filing Form No.8 and Form No.10 (for modification of charges under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (SARFESI), it has now been decided to accept filing of the followings Forms:-
By actual users either when this input item is specifically mentioned in the SION of the respective export product or when Areca nut (i.e. Betel nut) technically falls under the ‘generic description’ given in a specific SION (like under G7, G46), though not mentioned specifically.
By using any one of these software you can calculate EMI, Rate of Interest, Total Interest during the loan period, EMI Schedule etc. of your Home loan, Auto Loan Etc:-
It is clarified that the activity ‘leasing and finance’, which is one among the eighteen NBFC activities wherein FDI up to 100 per cent is permitted under the automatic route, subject to minimum capitalisation norms, covers only ‘financial leases’ and not ‘operating leases’, in so far as the NBFC sector is concerned.
In view of setting up of polling booth(s) in T.P.S. College, Chirraiya Tand, Patna – 800 001 for election to the Patna Municipal Corporation on 17th May, 2012, the Chartered Accountants Final Examination (Paper 8) and the Insurance and Risk Management (IRM) Examination (Module 4) scheduled for 17th May, 2012 will now be held in Christ Church Diocesan School, Collectorate Road, Near Gandhi Maidan, Patna – 800 001 [in place of at the T.P.S. College]. The Examination timing shall remain the same, viz. 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM (IST), and the Admit Cards already issued to the candidates will be valid for the new venue also.
Till date, India has signed Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements (BIPAs) with 82 countries, starting with the United Kingdom in 1994. Of these 82 countries, BIPAs with 72 countries have been enforced. The list of 82 countries and texts of 72 enforced BIPAs are available on the Ministry of Finance website Besides, India has signed 17 Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)/Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA)/Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA)/Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs). The details of these Agreements are available on Department of Commerce’s website
The Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC), Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance has issued a Notification No. 42/2012-Customs (N.T.) dated May 15, 2012 and thereby notifying change in tariff value of Brass Scrap (all grades), Poppy Seeds, Gold and Silver as shown in the tables below:
Notification to Help Areca Nut Growers Replying to the concerns raised by the nut growers and other stakeholders, Director General of Foreign Trade, Dr Anup K Pujari has said that Public Notice No.112 issued on 15th May, 2012 (can be seen at is actually to help the Areca nut growers. This Public Notice concerns itself with only duty free imports of areca nut either on the basis of advance authorisation or DFIA. It may be noted that duty paid imports are not affected by this Public Notice.