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Archive: 29 March 2011

Posts in 29 March 2011

ICAI panel to guide, support cooperative & NPO sector

March 29, 2011 9157 Views 0 comment Print

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has formed a committee to guide and support the cooperative sector in streamlining their audit procedures and raise governance levels, President G Ramasamy said today. The ICAI has suggested replicating the successful laws in the sector in Maharashtra and Gujarat, so that the cooperative sector can bring out financial statements in a uniform manner in compliance with appropriate accounting standards, Ramasamy told reporters here.

Transfer Pricing – Prior Years’ data cannot generally be relied upon to justify Arms Length Price

March 29, 2011 8667 Views 0 comment Print

The OECD guidelines are not of binding nature and even the Proviso to Rule 10B (4) provides that any subsequent year data cannot be considered. The contemporaneous data of relevant financial year is to be used for making the comparable analysis for arriving at the ALP unless it is proved otherwise

Section 45(1A) of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 – Binod Kumar Versus State of Jharkhand & Others

March 29, 2011 4144 Views 0 comment Print

Binod Kumar Versus State of Jharkhand & Others- In the impugned judgment, it is mentioned that the basic allegation is amassing of illicit wealth by various former Ministers, including a former Chief Minister of the State. The money alleged to have been so earned is of unprecedented amounts. However, there is no clear allegation so far about its laundering in the sense mentioned above, but there is an allegation of its investment in property, shares etc. not only in India but also abroad.

If Financing Company is not a party to the bipartite agreement between the buyer and the developer then it can not be dragged into arbitration

March 29, 2011 1693 Views 0 comment Print

The second respondent (referred to as the `Developer’) entered into a development agreement with the owners of certain lands at Bachupally village, Qutubullapur Mandal, Ranga Reddy District, for constructing independent houses and multistoried Apartment buildings with common facilities in a layout known as `Hill County township’. The landowners as the first party, the developer as the second party and the first respondent who wanted to acquire an apartment therein as the third party entered into an agreement for sale dated 16.10.2006 under which the land-owners agreed to sell an undivided share equivalent to 87 sq.yds. out of a total extent of 16.95 acres to the first respondent and the developer agreed to construct a residential apartment measuring 1889 sq.ft. for the first respondent. The total consideration for the undivided share in the land, apartment and car parking space was agreed as Rs.55,89,368. The agreement contemplating the entire price being paid in installments, that is 10% on booking, 85% in seven instalments upto 15.3.2008 and 5% at the time of delivery. Clause (14) of the said agreement dated 16.10.2006 provided for settlement of disputes by arbitration.

Thermo Ware and Vacuum Ware are not plastic goods/products -SC

March 29, 2011 818 Views 0 comment Print

Assistant Commercial Taxes Officer Versus M/s Makkad Plastic Agencies- The assessment of the assessee-respondent for the Assessment Year 2001-02 was completed by the Assessing Officer under Section 29(7) of the Rajasthan Sales Tax Act, 1994 [for short “the Act of 1994”] holding that the tax on “thermo ware” and “vacuum ware”, which were the articles sold by the assessee-respondent during the relevant assessment year, should be levied Sales Tax at 10 per cent instead of 8 per cent, treating them as separate articles from plastic goods/products. Consequently, the liability of difference of tax at 2 per cent along with surcharge, interest and penalty was also levied.

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