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Archive: 11 March 2010

Posts in 11 March 2010

How to Get Speedy Justice from Civil Courts?

March 11, 2010 2424 Views 0 comment Print

Many complain that there is so much delay before traditional Civil Courts and I do strongly feel that the possible delay before the Civil Courts and the presumptions makes a person to compromise with his rights too even. It is presumed that the enormous work load before the Civil Courts and the complicated procedures and especially the procedure prescribed under Civil Procedure Code, 1908 is the root cause for the delay.

Custom Notification Amending Notification 36/96 – Customs, dated the 23rd July, 1996

March 11, 2010 1268 Views 0 comment Print

In the said notification, in the TABLE, against S.No.18, in column (3), – Notification No. 32/2010-Customs- 1. for the words and letters “duly certified by the Senior Manager” the words and letters “duly certified by the Senior Manager or the Assistant Director” shall be substituted. 2. in the Explanation, for the words, letters and figures, “the 28th day of March 2010”, the words, letters and figures, “the 1st day of January, 2019” shall be substituted.

Brief Notes on Service Tax amendments introduced through Finance Bill, 2010

March 11, 2010 8203 Views 0 comment Print

Brief Notes on Service Tax amendments introduced through Finance Bill, 2010 and by virtue of Notification No 2/2010-ST to 17/2010-ST all dated 27.02.10 and CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004, amendment by virtue of 6/2010-CE (NT). It seems, in this budget 2010, finance minister want to wipe out country fiscal deficit in one stroke by overdosing taxation on services or on deemed service (by fiction of law).

FAQ on General principles Governing HUF

March 11, 2010 6893 Views 10 comments Print

HUF which is same as joint Hindu family is a body consisting of persons lineally descendant from a common ancestor, including their wives and unmarried daughters, who are staying together jointly; joint in food, estate and worship. The daughter, on her marriage, ceases to be a member of her father’s HUF and becomes a member of her husband’s HUF.

S&P CNX Nifty – Frequently Asked Questions

March 11, 2010 2481 Views 2 comments Print

1. What are the essentials of a stock market index ? 2. What do the ups and downs of an index mean? 3. What is the basic idea of an index? 4. What kind of averaging is done? 5. What is the portfolio interpretation of index movements? 6. Why are indices important? 7. What kinds of indices exist?

Income tax provisions related to Transfer pricing and arms length price

March 11, 2010 757 Views 0 comment Print

The Finance Act, 2001 substituted section 92 with a new section and introduced new sections 92A to 92F in the Income-tax Act, relating to computation of income from an international transaction in order to facilitate the computation of reasonable, fair and equitable profits and tax in India in the case of businesses carried on by multinational companies. The transfer pricing provisions are in line with those stipulated by OECD. However there is a difference that the Indian legislation does not permit the use of unspecified method to compute arms length price as permitted in OECD guidelines.

Existing taxation provision of Long term capital gains may continue in DTC

March 11, 2010 496 Views 0 comment Print

The government is likely to maintain the distinction between short term and long-term capital gains to encourage long-term savings, as it deliberates the draft direct taxes code. The finance minister said in his Budget speech that the new direct taxes law could be rolled out from April 1, 2011. The government is veering around to the view that the existing regime with regard to taxation of capital gains should be continued, a finance ministry official privy to discussions told.

Tax planning to be done once Exempt Gratuity Limit Increase to 10 Lakh

March 11, 2010 1815 Views 0 comment Print

With the government raising the gratuity limit, it makes sense to negotiate for a higher basic salary to ensure a better payout. The Union cabinet’s decision to raise the tax-free gratuity limit from Rs 3.5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh is likely to become a tool for companies to retain employees.

Convergence with International Financial Reporting Standards

March 11, 2010 375 Views 0 comment Print

The Government has informed Lok Sabha that the Government has adopted the approach of convergence of Accounting Standards issued under the Companies Act, 1956 with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), keeping in view the requirements relevant to Indian conditions and to enable Indian companies and concerned regulatory bodies to transform to the new standards smoothly.

No proposal for any upper cap on the number of independent directors: Union Government

March 11, 2010 399 Views 0 comment Print

The Companies Bill, 2009 has not proposed any upper cap on the number of independent directors, but, sub-clause (3) of clause 132 of the Companies Bill, 2009 provides that at least one-third of total directors shall be independent directors to be appointed in every listed company having certain amount of paid up capital to be prescribed by the Central Government.

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