With reference to our letter no.SMD-I(N)/JJ/2331/95 dated June 26, 1995, it has been decided that the requirement of submitting Cash Flow Statement by the companies along with the Annual Report is to be made effective for the accounts prepared by the companies from the financial year 1995-96.
I am directed to say that the Directorate General of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce has brought to the notice this Ministry that some of the customs authorities particularly at Calcutta, Madras and Imphal are permitting import of Arecanut assuming it to be falling under the category of dry fruits
Circular No. 707-Income Tax References have been received by the Board in cases where non-residents are deputed to work in India and the taxes are borne by the employers. In certain cases, an employee to whom refunds are due has already left India and has no bank account here by the time the assessment orders are passed. A question has been raised whether in such cases, the refund can be issued to the employer as the tax has been borne by it