CPC(TDS) apprises you that the current period marks the busiest weeks of downloading and distributing TDS Certificates for Q4, FY 2013-14. This also marks a peak time in the number of calls and queries to CPC(TDS). We encourage deductors to visit TRACES as the best place to get quick help to find answers to frequently asked questions.
TRACES has several easy-to-use, online e-Tutorials and FAQs that can be effectively used to get ready answers to your questions. Following are some of the most common reasons deductors enquire or call us:
What is the status of processing of statements?
- We are glad to inform that the peak load of statement processing has already been taken care of.
- The status of processing of statements can be checked in your Dashboard after you login to TRACES.
- Please wait for 4 days after the statements have been filed before reaching CPC(TDS) with an enquiry on the above.
Having issues with downloading of TDS Certificates/ Consolidated Files?
- If you are unable to submit request for downloading of TDS Certificates or Conso Files, please first check the status of processing of relevant statements. You will be able to submit requests only after the statement has been processed.
- Please check the correctness of KYC information for submitting download requests to ensure successful submission of the request.
- We are currently experiencing huge volume of requests for download of TDS Certificates. However, they are being made available within a day of submission of request. Please wait for 24 hours before reaching out to CPC(TDS) with an enquiry.
- Please refer to our e-Tutorials for detailed assistance on downloading TDS Certificates.
- For downloading Consolidated files, the e-Tutorial can be referred.
Have a query related to Intimations sent by CPC(TDS)?
- Please download the Justification Report to view the details of Defaults in the TDS Statements.
- Please refer to our e-Tutorial for detailed assistance.
Have a query related to Registration/ Login?
- Please submit correct KYC information for Registration/ Login. Please refer to our e-Tutorial for assistance.
- You are requested to wait for an hour, if the Account is locked due to incorrect password. Please retrieve a fresh password and the detailed procedure is specified in the e-Tutorial.
- If you need assistance for User ID, the e-Tutorialcan be referred for detailed steps.
- Please use both the Activation Codes sent on the Registered Mobile Number and e-mail address for the purpose of successful activity.
If you still need to connect with us, please write to uson contactus@tdscpc.gov.in or call our toll-free number 1800 103 0344.
@ June 17 2014
In an attempt to provoke useful thoughts and stimulate appreciation of the validity of the suggestion to the Revenue volunteered in the last post, to the end of an early resolution, the following observations may be added:
As per information gathered from known sources, and piecing those together, the reality of the current scenario, as inferred, is this: Even in cases in which taxpayers have not failed but taken care to report correctly the address, if that has since changed, in the tax return subsequently filed, there is still a mismatch; in that, both 26AS and the certificates of TDS later issued by deductors still continue to disclose not such changed address but some old address. If probed into, the strong indication is that the old address so reflected is the one as shown in the tax return (s) filed in order or about the time when the CPC came to be setup and started functioning. That is the time when the respective AOs uploaded in the system, besides the other data, also the address, per tax return (s) lately filed. In other words, the mismatch has nothing to do with the address in taxpayer’s application for allotment of PAN, if made, before the set up of CPC (i.e prior to 2009/2010).
Others faced with and happen to have realized a similar predicament are requested to share own individual experience, for the benefit of one and all equally concerned.
According to official information in public domain, as read and understood, it is possible to have brought on record of the Department any change in address of taxpayer.
But then the intriguing point is why the necessity for taxpayer to have his address so brought on record every time a change takes place.
The aspect for a serious consideration by the Revenue is as outlined below:
PAN is a unique identity number of a taxpayer. Once applied for and allotted, that has a ‘permanency’ attached, long enduring for his lifetime.That itself, as readily seen,might be more than adequate for all purposes of the Revenue; the main and predominant purpose of which is to keep a tag on the taxpayer’s financial activities of all sorts having a tax implication.
Further, so long as taxpayer, as expected of him, while filing his return for any year prudently updates his then address (had there been a change since, the changed one) for communication,that should in any event squarely meet the need of the Department.
Therefore, it might be, in the larger interests of taxpayers,as a matter of balance of convenience, should the Revenue , by making such suitable changes in the extant computerized system through which the CPC functions,as to have the updating of address made automatically on the basis of the latest tax return filed/on record of the jurisdictional AO.
This is an angle/procedural deficiency glaring enough in the system, infer ably not taken a conscious note of, hence left unplugged. The Revenue will be well suggested to remedy the situation; do so sooner than later.
Why TDSCPC is not allowing login to an user while away from India?
Just because i am visiting overseas country does not make me an “NRI”.
I am at USA on a small trip. I have to issue form 16 / 16A on or before 31-May-2014 which I am COMPELLED to download from TDSCPC site. Then why should i be denied access? They ask 101 details before the request is registered then what are they afraid of?