All pending cases of the default in meeting Export Obligation (EO) of authorizations mentioned in para (I) above can be regularised by the authorisation holder on payment of all customs duties that were exempted in proportion to unfulfilled Export Obligation and interest payable is capped at maximum of 100% of such duties exempted on which interest is payable. However, no interest is payable on the portion of Additional Customs Duty and Special Additional Customs Duty.
Condition (g) regarding manufacturer requirement for import of Gold under HS code 7108 under the TRQ of India UAE CEPA has been waived off
Custodians and Shipping Lines are directed to waive the demurrage and detention charges till 13.04.2023.
This Advisory is being issued to handle the post EGM amendment of shipping bill cases of MEIS scheme (since discontinued from January 2021).
DGFT extends validity of ANFs & Appendices notified under FTP (201520) till 31st May, 2023 or up to the date on which new ANFs & Appendices are notified
Procedure for filing application/issuance of Registration Certificate (RC) for import of Isopropyl Alcohol [under ITC(HS) Code 29051220] subject to Country-wise Quantitative Restrictions (QR) for the year 202324 have been specified.
Challan not available in ICEGATE for making payment of Customs Duty: Issue resolved. Challans will be available now. Please try to make the payment by selecting the recently generated Challan (interest waived challan). In case, the challan is not available for making the payment for a Bill of Entry, the same may be reported to the ICEGATE Helpdesk (, and a copy may be marked to for follow up.
The date for implementation of Track and Trace system for export of drug formulations with respect to maintaining the Parent-Child relationship in packaging levels and its uploading on Central Portal has been extended up to 01.08.2023 for both SSI and non SSI manufactured drugs. Government of India Ministry of Commerce and Industry Department of Commerce […]
Authorisations issued under Advance Authorisation Scheme (all variants) and EPCG Scheme (all variants) issued under Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14 till 31.03.2015 are covered under the Scheme.
Government of India Ministry of Commerce and Industry Department of Commerce Directorate General of Foreign Trade New Delhi Public Notice No. 1/2023-DGFT | Dated: 1st April, 2023 F. No. 01/75/171/00016/AM-23/FTP Cell. In exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 1.03 and 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2023, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby notifies the […]